TowTruck from Mozilla Lab

  sonic0002        2013-04-15 12:23:13       3,269        0         

TowTruck is a real time collaboration tool developed by Mozilla lab, it can enable users to do real time chat, voice chat in any webpage. Both sides can see each other's mouse position, it will produce animation when mouse clicked. The classical application for collaborative sides is users can discuss a document while reading the same document or modify some codes or fill up an application form. TowTruck is an open source project.

It's very easy to deploy TowTruck, first you need to embed below JavaScript code in thetag of your HTML page.

  // Set to false or delete to disable analytics/tracking:
  TowTruckConfig_enableAnalytics = true;
<script src=""></script>

Then put the activation button at the page:

<button onclick="TowTruck(this); return false;">Start TowTruck

Below is how it works:

After the deployment, you can send the collaboration link to your friends. Mozilla TowTruck is a HTML5 application and it's based on WebRTC protocol, it doesn't need any plug in installed. But now only Firefox Nightly and Chrome support them well.

But many people don't think this project will be successful, they feel this is what Google has done in 2005. What do you think about it?

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