6 amazing HTML5 animation effects

  sonic0002        2012-11-20 10:32:52       18,193        1         

HTML5 is rapidly developed in WEB world, it puts all kinds of pressure to browser development, but at the same time it also brings us lots of unexpected page effects. If we can use some HTML5 elements on our web apps,  we may get different user experience. However, for HTML5, there are lots of places need to improved. The following HTML5 animation effects are very attractive.

1. HTML5 mouseover image effect

This HTML5 animation effect can be used in photo gallery, users can preview the photo while mouseover the photo.

Online Demo / Source code

2. Falling leaves animation based on HTML5 Webkit

This is the falling leaves animation based on Webkit kernel, very cool.

Online Demo / Source code

3. Pure CSS book page flip effect

Online Demo / Source code

4. Pure CSS ball animation

Online Demo / Source code

5. Colorfull Clock

A lovely colorfull Clock

Online Demo / Source code

6. CSS3 3D animated bat graph

Very beautiful 3D bar graph, it's implemented with CSS, suitable for product demo.

Online Demo / Source code

Above are amazing HTML5 animations, you can save them.

Source : http://www.oschina.net/news/34771/html5-animation-effects





theinternet [Reply]@ 2015-12-25 14:50:28

Using java is stupid and pointless. This code is all amateur garbage.


Google Ad Knew Too Much

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