Mark Zuckerberg : Facebook's biggest mistake is relying too much on HTML5

  Peter        2012-09-11 19:18:39       5,760        0         

On Disrupt conference organized by TechCrunch, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said they relied too heavily on HTML5 and ignored the advantages of the Native-App when talking about Facebook mobile product design strategy.

Zuckerberg said the focus in HTML5 was his biggest mistake. This is the first time the young CEO admits he is wrong on HTML5 and native applications publicly. Zuckerberg later mentioned after transferring the Facebook client from HTML to Native applications, users comsumed twice feed stories than before.

"The first half year has been a little bit slow on product, but for the next six months I expect a lot of really cool stuff."

TechCrunch guesses the "cool stuff" may relate to Facebook's business model, because Facebook still does not yet have a very clear profit model on smartphone market, so Facebook may have big movement on this area in the future.

As a company with geek culture, it's very difficult for Facebook to transfer from HTML5 to Native apps. But Facebook still changed the picture, perhaps this also shows that Facebook is trying to change its position in mobile market.

But as HTML5 is still a relatively new technology, we don't know what will happen to it in the near future. It's still too early for us to say that HTML5 will fail. The problem of Facebook may be it's too early for them betting on HTML5.

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