IDC report shows developers are losing ineterst in Android development

  Peter        2012-04-09 06:26:18       4,683        1         

IDC's latest report shows that: the development interest in Android Phones and Android iPad  has been dropping steadily. 1869 developers participated in this survey.

In this quarter, the development interest in Android phone applications fell by 4.7%, down to 78.6%; the development interest in Android iPad applications fell by 2.2%, down to 65.9%. Although the survey result may not be so accurate, it still shows a trend : Although sales of Android devices is growing, it is still unable to retain the heart of developers. Developers' interest in Android continued to decline over the past four quarters.

This survey is very important to both iOS and Android, it may tell us which one will be the final winner between the competition of these two mobile platforms. Schmidt was full of confidence in the Android platform before, he believed that Android would replace iOS as the No.1 mobile platform , however, the opposite has happened.

Of course, there is an important factor which may lead to the decline of development interest in Android, that is the rise of HTML 5. Many developers are considering cross-platform application development, so they may choose HTML5 which is cross-platform compatible.

Source :





ArseMunger [Reply]@ 2013-09-05 15:36:25

Schmidt was full of confidence in the Android platform before, he believed that Android would replace iOS as the No.1 mobile platform

Have you not seen the market share numbers?????? 


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