Office is confirmed to be on iOS and Android

In May, there were news that Microsoft Office software would be on iOS and Android platforms. Now Microsoft officially confirmed the news and said that the Office would be on iOS and Android in some form.Not too long ago, Microsoft Czech branch had said that the Office would be on iOS and Android early next year.Microsoft said: "As we shared previously, Office Mobile will work across Windows Phones, Android phones and iOS, and we have nothing additional to announce today about retail availabili...

   Office,iOS,Android     2012-10-10 21:27:10

  How long does the heuristic cache of the browser actually cache?

Heuristic cache Heuristic caching is the default behavior of browser caching (i.e., for responses without Cache-Control), which is not simply "not caching", but implicitly caching based on the so-called "heuristic cache". HTTP is designed to cache as much as possible, so even if Cache-Control is not specified, the response will be stored and reused if certain conditions are met. This is called heuristic caching. HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 1024 Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2022 ...

   HEURISTIC CACHE,WEB DESIGN     2023-05-26 08:40:13

  Yahoo is going to recycle inactive user IDs

According to Sina Tech, Yahoo announced that it would provide users with shorter, more lovely and more memorable Yahoo IDs starting from July 15. For IDs like, if they are in inactive status in the past 12 months, then other users will be able to get this ID. Yahoo plans to reset Yahoo ID system to help users get the ID they want in mid of July. By mid-August, users who apply for a Yahoo user ID will be informed what kind of ID they get.This means that users can apply multiple ID...

   Yahoo,ID recycle     2013-06-12 21:22:15

  Tips and tricks about JavaScript from Google

JavaScript is now a very popular client side language. It's flexible, powerful but easy to make mistakes. So good programming style is better for you to write efficient and readable JavaScript codes. Here are some tips and tricks about JavaScript from Google. True and False Boolean Expressions The following are all false in boolean expressions: null undefined '' the empty string 0 the number But be careful, because these are all true: '0' the string [] the empty array {}&n...

   JavaScript, Google, Coding standard     2013-02-26 23:11:03

  Inspiring facts about JavaScript

JavaScript has been advocated as the first language to be learned by people who want to program. We have discussed the reasons why we should do so. Recently with the popularity of Node.js, JavaScript has become a full-stack language,  it can be used as both frontend and backend programming language. Today we will give some hard facts which will convince you about the popularity of JavaScript. Just like William Ting said ""JavaScript will stay relevant as long as people use the internet". Ye...

   JavaScript,popularity     2014-06-07 08:52:36

  Here is Surface Pro 4

Microsoft is holding a new product release event today in New York. The biggest excitement Microsoft brings us is the Surface Pro 4. The most advanced Microsoft tablet ever equipped with Windows 10. Here are the selling points of Surface Pro 4: Performance 6th generation of Intel Core processor 30% faster than Surface Pro 3 50% faster than MacBook Air Up to 15 G RAM Up to 1TB storage 8.4 mm. Thinnest Surface Pro ever Four USB 3.0 ports Two 4K display ports Ethernet One productive connection S...

   WINDOWS 10,SURFACE PRO 4,MICROSOFT     2015-10-06 10:39:57

  The Tale Of Perfect Checkout Page & Magento Online Store

I bet you've already googled every bit of advice on how to win customers. You've installed and integrated bazillions of extensions and marketing tools, rewritten every piece of text on your site, redesigned and rebranded your Magento store. In case you're still wondering why clients keep coming and going away without purchasing your goods, this article is for you. I solemnly declare that every single piece of advice on leading a customer to buy from your online store, you've read so far is imper...

   magento, magento user experience, ecommerce, online business     2015-04-16 21:15:09

  4 Things Every Great Online Teacher Knows

Virtual classrooms have become the new norm for education during the pandemic. Teachers from every school have to adjust to this new reality to ensure students keep learning even in the absence of a physical classroom setup.  Thankfully, there are various digital solutions to help teachers conduct online classes without much hassle. One such tool that has revolutionized the online learning market is a Learning Management System (LMS). For schools, the in-house learning management department...

   EDUCATION,ELEARNING,ILEARNING     2021-02-12 03:23:43

  How to check whether a struct implements an interface in GoLang

Unlike other programming languages like Java, when implementing an interface in GoLang, there is no syntax like below to explicit tell the relationship: type I interface { } type A struct implements I { } When looking at the code or running the code in GoLang, it might lead to a case one doesn't know whether a struct implements interface before trying to use it as some interface. According to GoLang spec, as long as a struct implements all functions of an interface, it is considered as having i...


  Convert number to string in C++

Prior to C++11, there is no built-in function in C++ standard library which can be used to convert numbers such as interger and double number to string.  There are many ways which can convert number to string. Since C++ is C compatible, we can use itoa() function to convert an integer to C style string. But this one can only convert integer to string, not double. For different types of numbers, we need to use different functions. string s = string(itoa(a)); Actually, we can also use strings...

   C++,conversion,number,string     2012-08-14 15:52:48