Inspiring facts about JavaScript

  sonic0002        2014-06-07 08:52:36       10,533        1         

JavaScript has been advocated as the first language to be learned by people who want to program. We have discussed the reasons why we should do so. Recently with the popularity of Node.js, JavaScript has become a full-stack language,  it can be used as both frontend and backend programming language. Today we will give some hard facts which will convince you about the popularity of JavaScript.

Just like William Ting said ""JavaScript will stay relevant as long as people use the internet". Yes, JavaScript was created for web, but it's not limited to web; and Internet is bound with web closely now. With the maturity of mobile frameworks like PhoneGap and server-side implementations like Node, JavaScript will be used more and more often, in more and more contexts.

Here come the facts based on answers from Quora.

JavaScript is the #1 most-used language on Github. GitHub Search: Projects with more than 5000 stars

This trend is only going to increase.(via

Khan Academy teaches their Computer Science courses in JavaScript. See John Resig shared this fact in his blog post: Redefining the Introduction to Computer Science.

Stanford's Computer Science 10--Introduction to Computer Principles is taught using JavaScript.

Windows 8 treats JavaScript as a 1st-class citizen.

You can program hardware in JavaScript

And let's not forget the demand in the job market (HTML5 is #1): So, simply put, more people are willing to pay money for JavaScript devs than any other platform or language right now. That is the very definition of the word "valuable".

"Gartner predicts that through 2014, improved JavaScript performance will begin to push HTML5 and the browser as a mainstream enterprise application development environment."

Note here we are not trying to say that JavaScript is better than other languages like C, Java etc. Actually from technical respective, JavaScript has its own drawbacks like lack of strong type etc. Here we are just trying to convince you that JavaScript is popular and it will be popular for a long time.





i see [Reply]@ 2014-06-08 09:04:56

It's really a inspiring facts,i hope i got it


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