Are frameworks making developers dumb?

Last week I got to take interviews to hire senior java developers with around 5 years of experience. But after the interview process is over I felt like the frameworks makes developers life easier but at the same time making them dumb.Everyone puts almost all the new frameworks on their resume claiming they have "Strong, working experience on Spring, Hibernate, Web Services etc".Here is how the interviews went on.Me: You have used Spring in your latest project. What are the advant...

   Framework,Importance,Disadvantage,Easy     2011-09-06 08:10:08

  PHP Security

1. IntroductionWriting PHP applications is pretty easy. Most people grasp the syntax rather quickly and will within short time be able to produce a script that works using tutorials, references, books, and help forum forums like the one we have here at PHP Freaks. The problem is that most people forget one of the most important aspects that one must consider when writing PHP applications. Many beginners forget the security aspect of PHP. Generally, your users are nice people, they will...

   PHP,Security,SQL Injection,XSS Cross sit     2011-10-01 02:25:31

  A Chinese Programmer Accused of Circumventing Great Firewall Faces Confiscation of RMB 1.05 Million

Recently, a programmer posted an article on Weibo claiming that he was working for an overseas company while accessing the international internet. He was subsequently accused by the Shuangqiao Public Security Sub-bureau in Chengde, Hebei of "illegally establishing and using non-official channels for international networking" and received an administrative penalty of a fine of RMB 200 and the confiscation of "illegal gains" totaling RMB 1.05 million. This is the most severe punishment reported s...

   GITHUB,CHINESE     2023-09-25 07:57:58

  Some Features of Windows 10 You Didn’t Know About

Since the launch of Windows 10 everyone around the world is crazy about it. No one wants to use the old Windows 7 and 8 anymore. Windows 10 is simple, light and has all the great features. The interface is awesome and gives it a techy look as well. Well, what if we told you that there are still some features of this great OS that are yet to be discovered? Yes, that is right. Today we will be discussing a few of the features that are not commonly known to people. Secret Start Menu That is right, ...

   WINDOWS 10, WINDOWS 10 FEATURES     2020-04-17 03:26:58

  Speed Hashing

A given hash uniquely represents a file, or any arbitrary collection of data. At least in theory. This is a 128-bit MD5 hash you're looking at above, so it can represent at most 2128 unique items, or 340 trillion trillion trillion. In reality the usable space is substantially less; you can start seeing significant collisions once you've filled half the space, but half of an impossibly large number is still impossibly large. Back in 2005, I wondered about the difference between a checksum and...

   Speed hashing,Security,MD5     2012-04-07 10:35:15

  How iPhone App Developers Will Get Benefited by iOS 11?

At Apple WWDC 2017, the CEO Tim Cook introduced the next generation of iOS, i.e., iOS 11. Various improvements and innovations included in iOS 11 were discussed. And what one can say from the whole is that this year’s WWDC keynote was more developer-oriented than user-oriented. It was, indeed, an assistance to the iPad and iPhone app developers to create more innovative mobile apps, and serve users for lifetime.  If you are an iOS app developer or working at an iPhone app development...


  Free jQuery UI themes

jQuery UI is a jQuery User Interface library, it provides many frequently used components and functions. It consists of datepicker, slider, progress bar and drag and drop support etc. Also it has many themes, you can use ThemeRoller to customize your own theme. But with ThemeRoller, we can still find the shadow of jQuery UI. If you want some highly customized, free and high quality jQuery themes such as Bootstrap, Windows-Metro, then the following themes may suit you. 1. jQuery UI Bootstrap jQu...

   jQuery UI, Theme     2012-10-20 10:59:20

  Unicode over 60 percent of the web

Computers store every piece of text using a “character encoding,” which gives a number to each character. For example, the byte 61 stands for ‘a’ and 62 stands for ‘b’ in the ASCII encoding, which was launched in 1963. Before the web, computer systems were siloed, and there were hundreds of different encodings. Depending on the encoding, C1 could mean any of ¡, Ё, Ä„, Ħ, ‘, ”, or parts of thousands of characters, from æ to å...

   Unicode,Encoding,Website,Percentage,Statustic     2012-02-07 06:19:34

  Top 3 Cybersecurity Trends to Watch Out for Today

One trend in cybersecurity that never changes is that it’s getting more important with every passing year. According to statistics, the number of cyberattacks and severity of the losses they incur are growing at an alarming rate. Every day about 24,000 of malicious mobile apps get blocked yet more pop up overnight. For a business today cybersecurity isn’t an option, it’s a necessary measure one needs to invest in heavily. And it’s essential to follow the trends and develo...

   SECURITY,CYBER SECURITY     2019-05-14 09:03:24

  Stuff Everyone Should Do (part 2): Coding Standards

Another thing that we did at Google that I thought was surprisingly effective and useful was strict coding standards. Before my time at Google, I was sure that coding standards were pointless. I had absolutely no doubt that they were the kind of thing that petty bureaucrats waste time writing and then use to hassle people who are actually productive. I was seriously wrong. At Google, I could look at any piece of code, anywhere in Google's codebase, and I could read it. The fact that I wa...

   Programming,Code standards,Rules,Stringe     2011-08-15 07:33:02