SEARCH KEYWORD -- acquisition

  Deep Understanding of ReentrantLock: Unlocking the Mysteries of Java Concurrent Programming

ReentrantLock introduction ReentrantLock is a class in the Java concurrent package, java.util.concurrent.locks, and is an implementation of the Lock interface. As its name suggests, it is a reentrant mutual exclusion lock. A mutual exclusion lock is a synchronization tool used to protect shared resources, ensuring that only one thread can access the resource at a given time. Reentrant means that a thread can acquire the same lock multiple times without causing a deadlock. This lock provides some...


  Oracle CEO Mark Hurd : IBM PureSystem is far behind Oracle

Oracle CEO Mark Hurd had an interview with Chinese media in San Francisco on 19th April. Mark Hurd first introduced different levels of Oracle's overall strategy: 1) the product must achieve best among similar products; 2) system open, vertical integration to provide customers with maximum performance; 3) Industry specific solutions; 4) give users the right to choose and the integration of the cloud environment (private cloud, public cloud, mixed cloud). In addition, Mark Hurd share his own...

   Oracle,IBM,Pureystem,Hardware/Software     2012-04-19 07:17:24

  The concept of Iterative Model in a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The iterative model implemented in any Software Development Life Cycle is all about an initial, simplified implementation which may or may not gain more complexity in future. Furthermore, it is can even be called as a broader feature set until and unless the final system is accomplished. Now while discussing the model, chances are there that he concept of incremental development will also often be used liberally and interchangeably. This means incremental alterations made during the design and i...


  5 Modern Strategies to Improve Your Hiring Process

Without even a pinch of doubt, the labor market across the globe has turned highly competitive. So, there goes a rat race where the best recruiters vie to hire the most potential candidates. Let's say you need to hire Java developers. Certainly, your hiring challenge would be to find applicants with niche skills. Sadly enough, the traditional hiring methods are detrimental to getting the creme of the talent pool. It's time-consuming and involves a lot of manual and paperwork, wherein there are c...

   HIRE,JAVA,DEVELOPERS     2017-06-28 00:15:48

  Why to Build Modern Web Apps with ASP.NET?

ASP.NET offers multiple options for fabricating cloud-based web applications. Its features such as the ability to cope up with different platforms including Mac, Linux, and Windows along with its open source nature indicate its efficiency. The various architectural modifications in the core framework have made the system more affable, and modular components make the job easier by simplifying the various implications.  Microsoft has worked on the roots of this software to render a sophistica...


  5 tips for selling your software company for maximum value

From the moment you start your software company, you should be developing an exit strategy. While you might have no plans to sell your business, things can go wrong, and you can find yourself in a position with no other option. In this case, having a plan to go to will make the entire process easier. If you do plan on selling, you should be constantly improving your exit strategy as your business evolves in order to ensure you sell your company for maximum value. Selling a software company can ...


  Understand GoLang WaitGroup internals and how it works

Background Before getting into the main content, let me give a brief introduction to WaitGroup and its related background knowledge. Here, the focus is on the basic usage of WaitGroup and the fundamental knowledge of system semaphores. For those who are familiar with these, you can skip this section directly. WaitGroup WaitGroup is one of the most common concurrency control techniques in Golang, and its function can be roughly compared to the join() in concurrency control of other languages' mul...

   GOLANG,WAITGROUP,SOURCE CODE     2023-04-26 08:02:01

  The Future of AI Chips Might Not Be GPU

In the layout of AI computing architectures, the model of CPUs working in collaboration with accelerator chips has become a typical AI deployment solution. CPUs act as providers of basic computing power, while accelerator chips are responsible for enhancing computational performance, aiding in the efficient execution of algorithms. Common AI accelerator chips can be categorized into three main types based on their technological paths: GPU, FPGA, and ASIC. In this competition, GPUs have emerged a...


  Power Grid Simulation System 02 : FDI Power Outage Attack Case Study

We are excited to share that the Power Grid Simulation System we developed was used as part of one red team's targeted critical infrastructure system the international cyber exercise Crossed Swords 2024 which conducted in December 2024. In this article, we will introduce one power outage attack case study which use the Power Grid Simulation System as the demo platform for OT cyber security workshop. Project Design Purpose: This case study demonstrates using the Power Grid Simulation System as a...

       2025-01-11 07:35:45

  Power Grid OT Simulation System

Mini OT-Energy-System Cyber Security Digital Twin Figure-00: Power_Grid_OT_Simulation_System Environment Diagram, version v0.1.2 (2024) Project Design Purpose: The primary objective of this project is to develop a scaled-down Operational Technology (OT) digital twin/equivalent — an advanced software simulation system capable of emulating the functionality of an small-sized 18KW (560+MkWh/year) hybrid power grid. This system will meet the requirements for cybersecurity training, exercises...

       2024-10-13 09:00:12