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  Dates in PHP and MySQL

I see a lot of people on forums and on my training courses asking about the best way (or any way) to manage dates stored in a MySQL database and used in PHP. Three options follow, but first the problem.PHP uses unix timestamps for all its date functionality. It has methods to convert these timestamps into pretty much any text format you could want but internally it uses the timestamp format. A timestamp is simply an integer. Specifically, it’s the number of seconds that have ela...

   PHP,MySQL,Date format,Date,Comparison,Date compare     2011-10-17 14:00:57

  How to Stream Your PC Games to Android with Steam Link

If you are a PC gamer who is in a hurry to compete, Steam Link is looking for a possible answer. With this on your Android phone, you can play games on your phone with your computer. What is steam link? Basically, steam link is a perspective of streaming your steam library in other gadgets. The first steam link is a physical set of the best box you share with your TV, and after using its gaming PC after playing the Fate Grand Order game in your TV. The steam link application is another Andr...

   PC GAMES TO ANDROID WITH STEAM LINK     2018-06-03 05:04:33

  Learning Server-Side JavaScript with Node.js

Node.js is all the buzz at the moment, and makes creating high performance, real-time web applications easy. It allows JavaScript to be used end to end, both on the server and on the client. This tutorial will walk you through the installation of Node and your first “Hello World” program, to building a scalable streaming Twitter server.What is Node.js?JavaScript has traditionally only run in the web browser, but recently there has been considerable interest in bringing it to the...

   JavaScript,Server side,Node.js.Implement     2011-09-20 13:33:15

  C++ Without Fear: Functions

A function is a group of related statements that accomplish a specific task. Understanding functions is a crucial step to programming in C++, as Brian Overland explains in this chapter from his book.The most fundamental building block in the programming toolkit is the function—often known as procedure or subroutinein other languages. A function is a group of related statements that accomplish a specific task. Once you define a function, you can execute it whenever you need ...

   C++,Feature,Function,Elaboration,Fear     2011-09-03 11:03:11

  Create cron job on CentOS

These two days, I am building a website and deploying it on a VPS server which uses CentOS 5. I don't have cPanel or Plesk for my account, so I need to install and configure everything myself including Apache, PHP, MySQL and FTP server, also today's topic cron job. Since my website has a ranking algorithm to calculate the rankings of each link and update the ranking on database and I need to calculate the rankings every 5 minutes, so I think to use cron jobs. Here are what I have done which may ...

   cron job,crontab,CentOS,linux,php,example     2012-06-11 09:23:45

  How to apply Domain Level Group Policy

As a system administrator, you may often need to create a Windows domain of a computer network in which all user accounts, computers, printers and other security principals, are registered with a central database (called a directory service). Also one or more domain controllers need to be deployed to enable managing the domain. In this post, we will show you how to apply Domain Level Group Policy. There are lots of posts which have covered how to promote a Windows server to a Domain Controller. ...

   Group Policy,Domain Controller,Account Policy, GPO     2015-03-19 03:46:34

  How big is sizeof structure?

First let's see the codes of a structure: struct node{ int a; int b; }; Question : What's sizeof(node)? The answer is very simple, on a 32 bit machine, an int will take 4 bytes and two ints will take 8 bytes. So sizeof(node) is 8. The answer for the above codes is 8, then how about the following structure: struct node{ char a; int b; }; Question : Then what's sizeof(node) now? int takes 4 bytes, char takes 1 bytes, is the answer 5? Now the answer may not be 5, on some mac...

   Data structure alignment, pack     2012-10-29 12:13:37

  Why Software Projects are Terrible and How Not To Fix Them

If you are a good developer and you’ve worked in bad organizations, you often have ideas to improve the process.  The famous Joel Test is a collection of 12 such ideas.  Some of these ideas have universal acceptance within the software industry (say, using source control), while others might be slightly more controversial (TDD).  But for any particular methodology, whether it is universally accepted or only “mostly” accepted, there are a multitude of o...

   Software,Development,Debug,Design     2011-11-21 10:27:05

  Top 9 Most Popular Programming Languages In IT Companies

1.) C LanguageC  Language is a general-purpose computer programming language developed between 1969 and 1973by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratoriesfor use with the Unix operating system.Although C was designed for implementing system software. it is also widely used for developing portable application software.?0102030405060708091011#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("hello, world!\n");&nbs...

   C,Java,C#,C++,Ruby,Popular programming l     2011-04-27 09:21:52

  Web Design is 95% Typography

95% of the information on the web is written language. It is only logical to say that a web designer should get good training in the main discipline of shaping written information, in other words: Typography.Information design is typographyBack in 1969, Emil Ruder, a famous Swiss typographer, wrote on behalf of his contemporary print materials what we could easily say about our contemporary websites:Today we are inundated with such an immense flood of printed matter that the value of the individ...

   Web,Typography,Font,Resolution     2011-08-19 08:20:05