Web design trends for 2014

Now, it's age of web, many resource and manpower have been invested in web to extend and enhance the capability of web. Every year there are new web designs and technologies emerging. In recent years, with the popularity of handhold devices such as smart phones and smart devices like iPads,Surface, responsive design is becoming a requirement, also we can find flat design in many places. The web design trend is changing dramatically. Many people may wonder what's the web design trend in 2014? Jow...

   web design,trend,2014     2014-06-01 08:27:35

  Add ContextMenu to a customized View in Android

In Android, we may sometimes need to add ContextMenu to a View, it's not so easy to add ContextMenu to a customized View. Here we explain how to add ContextMenu to a customized View. First, we may need to create View.OnCreateContextMenuListener so that the customized view can register for it. Here is the class definition: public class GraphView extends View {     private View.OnCreateContextMenuListener vC = new View.OnCreateContextMenuListener() {       &...

   Android, ContextMenu,Customized view     2012-11-04 07:10:40

  JavaScript to open link in new window without being popup blocked

To ensure security and reduce spamming, modern browsers have implemented very strict rules on when a new window can be opened in a web page. Currently browsers restrict that any new web page to be opened in a new window must be initiated with an user action. The action is usually an user click event. Otherwise, a popup blocker would show on the browser address bar which indicates that something is blocked. To workaround this issue, normally you should implement the window open logic in a click e...



I'm so tired of passwords. So, so, so tired. Most people don't understand this. Most people use the same password everywhere. Most people can just mechanically type out password3 in every password box, smirking to themselves at how clever they are, because who would ever guess 3 instead of 1? I don't do that. Let me tell you what i do. I generate a different password for every service, based on a convoluted master password and the name of the thing. I do this because it's what you're...

   Security,Password,Random generation,Hard to remember     2011-12-05 11:32:45

  JavaScript-style object literals in PHP

The object literal notation in JavaScript looks like: var fido = {name: "Fido", barks: true}; or var fido = {}; = "Fido"; fido.barks = true; From assoc arrays to objects In PHP you would call that an associative array. $fido = array( 'name' => "Fido", 'barks' => true ); And you can easily make it an object too: $fido = (object)$fido; echo gettype($fido); // "object" Or if you want to start with a blank object and add stuff to it: $fido = (object)array(); or $fido...

   PHP,JavaScript,Object,Function call,Self vs this     2011-11-30 11:11:45

  Using JSON in PHP

Currently JSON has become one of the most popular data exchange formats. Many website APIs support it. Since PHP 5.2, PHP provides json_encode() and json_decode() method to handle JSON encoding and decoding.1. json_encode()This function is used to transform array and objects to JSON format. First let's look one array example.        $arr = array ('a'=>1,'b'=>2,'c'=>3,'d'=>4,'e'=>5);   echo json_encode($arr);the result is{"a":1,"b"...

   JSON,PHP,json_decode(0,json_encode()     2012-05-06 06:04:42

  HeartBleed: Inside the heart, what happens to a normal WEB user?

To be brief, our email, IM, facebook etc. are at the risk, so try to minimize the access in these few days. Especially we should try to avoid log into our internet-banking, because we may expose our user id and password. Also later when the service providers fix the bug, we would better to change a new password for all the web accounts that are important to us. Here comes the technical explanation. You might notice before that a lot of websites use URL starting with "https". For example, https:/...

   HeartBleed,Analysis     2014-04-09 22:41:43

  Cleansing data with Pig and storing JSON format to HBase with Pig UDF

Introduction This post will explain you the way to clean data and store JSON format to HBase. Hadoop architect experts also explain Apache Pig and its advantages in Hadoop in this post. Read more and find out how they do it. This post contains steps to do some basic clean the duplication data and convert the data to JSON format to store to HBase. Actually, we have some built-in lib to parse JSON in Pig but it is important to manipulate the JSON data in Java code before store to HBase. Apache Pig...


  Do NOT use boolean variable as function parameters

We follow lots of coding styles and coding standards when we do programming, but we may frequently forget one. The forgotten one is that do not use boolean parameter as the function parameters. The reason is it would greatly reduce the readability of the code. Don't believe it? When you read the following code, what does this code mean? widget->repaint(false); Do not repaint? Or what does this mean? After looking at the document, we know that this parameter is whether ...


  Something you should know about programming even if you are not a programmer

Out daily life are deeply affected by software and web. More and more people are realizing the importance of software, For example, you want to travel to Brazil for the world cup, right? You should first book the ticket online, when you book the ticket, you should pay for the ticket with your credit card, after successfully booking your ticket, you will get a e-ticket in your mailbox. When you arrive at the airport, your identity information will checked against the immigration database system, ...

   Programming,Programmer     2014-06-11 10:06:40