Those interaction methods we can play with

Smartphones have become one important part of our lives, the phone apps also play more and more important roles. They can help us live through the boring time or help us connect to our close friends fat away from us or help us get information,etc. There are also some interesting interaction methods since the birth of smartphones. We can play with them while we interact with the smartphones. Here we summarize some of them. 1. Shake Since WeChat introduces the Shake method to find people which yo...

   Interaction,Mobile device,Google glass     2013-05-07 05:21:15

  Noteworthy Aspects of PSD to Markup Conversion

Are you a great designer but can't code to turn your pixel-perfect design into a mark-up language? You will certainly begin scrolling the web to seek out an expert PSD to mark-up conversion service provider. But before venturing out for a credible service partner, it's very important to decide the right platform for your website. Especially, when you're thinking about converting your photoshop document into a CMS (content management system), you will get a plenty of choices. However, WordPress, ...

   PSD to WordPress, Convert PSD to Wordpress, Convert PSD to Wordpress Theme, PSD to Wordpress Service     2014-08-04 08:46:36

  Easy Ways To Make Sure Your Website Is Ready For Mobile First Users

Websites are no longer a novelty or a useful complement to a brick and mortar store. They are an essential part of everyday life. The average American is spending up to ten hours every day online.   Businesses exist solely online, entrepreneurs with great ideas can start up online with very little help and even the most casual of users know what looks good. Consumers aren’t likely to forgive mistakes. If your website isn’t completely user-friendly, they know they ...


  HTML5 Can Get the Job, But Can HTML5 Do the Job?

This post is part of our ReadWriteMobile channel, which is dedicated to helping its community understand the strategic business and technical implications of developing mobile applications. This channel is sponsored by Alcatel-Lucent. As you're exploring these resources, check out this helpful resource from our sponsors: Cultivating a Developer Ecosystem: Understanding Their Needs HTML5 is changing the way that developers create applications for the mobile Web. Yet, it is not the be a...

   HTML5,Future,Job,New feature     2011-08-12 07:45:29

  Five Copyright Pitfalls Every Web Designer Should Avoid

If you work in the world of web design, it is crucial you do not infringe upon copyright laws. If you do, you could end up paying some hefty fines or even being prosecuted. So, check out these five common copyright pitfalls you need to avoid. Not Copyrighting Your Own Work While most copyright infringement pitfalls web designers face are to do with avoiding using copyrighted materials, you also need to know how to protect your own work to ensure no one else steals it. For things like patents, t...

   COPYRIGHT,WEB DESIGN,PATENT     2021-02-18 02:41:10

  Google headquarter : A place of fantasy

Google is considered as the best place to work for by many people. It's famous for providing employees various relaxed work environment and attractive welfare. If you have the chance to visit Google's office or you have watched the movie Internship, you will get to know what it is like to work in Google. However, not everyone has the chance to walk in Google's walkways. So we share with you what Google's work environment is like with some images. Every car park in Google has some rows of electr...

   Google,Work place,Visit,Headquarter     2013-09-21 11:09:27

  Learn how to tell a story before building your own start-ups

Imagine one day you become a successful start-up founder like Mark Zuckerberg, then somebody will come and find you and want to shoot a movie for you with your start-up story. If you are not successful yet, then this story should be written by yourself. For start-up founders, learn how to tell a story will not only promote yourself among investors, users and medias but also can create a macro development plan for your start-ups by explaining various unexpected things will happen. Pixar storyboa...

   Start-up,rules,Pixar     2013-03-10 10:06:54

  Surprising applications of math

The comments in the previous post touched on surprising applications of math, so I thought I’d expand this theme into it’s own post. Below I’ll give a couple general examples of surprising applications and then I’ll give a couple more personal applications I found surprising.Number theory has traditionally been the purest of pure mathematics. People study number theory for the joy of doing so, not to make money. At least that was largely true until the ...

   Math,Number theory,Algorithms,Differential euqation     2011-11-18 09:24:19

  Open Source Needs a New UI

As a freelance web developer, I’ve seen and used my fair share of open source web applications (and desktop software), and I’d like to point out something that I see all too often in open source projects: the user interface almost always lets the project down. Let me explain… The Problem I’ve used a considerable amount of open source software (web-based and desktop), and I feel that a large portion of them are let down by their UI. The functionality is brill...

   Open source,Problem,UI,New paradign     2011-12-09 07:53:19

  Learning Ruby and Ruby vs Lisp

The company I work for has a lot of legacy Ruby code, and as Ruby has become kind of a mainstream language, I decided to get a book about it and learn how it works. As my learning resource, I chose The Ruby Programming language by David Flanagan and Yukihiro Matsumoto as that receives great customer reviews, covers Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9 and is authoritative because the language creator is one of the authors. The book makes a good read in general. There are plen...

   Ruby,Feature,Functional,OOP,Lisp,Difference     2011-12-12 07:42:01