SEARCH KEYWORD -- Software design

  Facebook open sources its C++ library named Folly

Recently, Facebook open sourced its low level C++ function library for its internal use named Folly. Folly is an open sourced C++11 component library, it provides functions similar to what boost and std libraries provide, including string, vector and memory allocation, bit operation etc, to fulfill large scale high performance requirements.Currently Folly is tested with gcc4.6 on some 64 bit systems such as Fedora 17, Ubuntu 12.04 and Debian wheezy, it may also be OK on other 64 bit platforms wi...

   Facebook,Folly,C++,open source     2012-06-05 08:31:12

  Why to Build Modern Web Apps with ASP.NET?

ASP.NET offers multiple options for fabricating cloud-based web applications. Its features such as the ability to cope up with different platforms including Mac, Linux, and Windows along with its open source nature indicate its efficiency. The various architectural modifications in the core framework have made the system more affable, and modular components make the job easier by simplifying the various implications.  Microsoft has worked on the roots of this software to render a sophistica...


  Hail the return of native code and the resurgence of C++

Programming language trends come and go. First, Java is the hot new language, then it's Python, then Ruby steals the limelight, then it's back to JavaScript. But the latest language darling is probably the last one anyone expected. Believe it or not, 2011 could be the year of C++. Last week, the latest version of the ISO C++ Standard was approved by unanimous vote. It's the first major revision of the language in 13 years. Now officially known as C++11, the new standard introduces features desig...

   C++,Future,Return back,Popular,Local dev     2011-08-24 02:20:24

  CSS3 animated dropdown menu

It’s a sure thing that CSS3 features like transitions, animations and transforms can add extra spice to your designs.In this article you will see how you can build an awesome CSS3 animated dropdown menu with some of these cool features.View demoHere’s a quick preview for the CSS3 animated dropdown menu that we’re going to create today:Remember the previous CSS3 dropdown menu? That menu is awesome, and thanks to you is the most popular tutorial around here (at this time)...

   CSS3,Drop down menu,Animation,Animated menu     2011-11-15 12:47:05

  How GitHub Works: Creativity is Important

We want to foster a creative environment. We love it when employees hack on side projects. It gets people excited. Excitement is contagious, and spreads easily from one project to another. Even if we’ll never make money on that side project, the excitement generated from it can bleed into things that will make us money. Alcohol It’s no secret that there’s more than a few people at GitHub who like to drink. I mean, we have four beers on-tap at the office in our kegerator. B...

   GitHub,HR,Creativity,Innovation,Recruitm     2011-08-19 07:46:07

  Why do I need a debugger?

  When I begin to learn a new programming language, I will try and master the debugger for it as early as possible. For example, in 2013, while I touched the Go, there seems only gdb for use. Although gdb itself is not a good choice (From Debugging Go Code with GDB): As a consequence, although GDB can be useful in some situations, it is not a reliable debugger for Go programs, particularly heavily concurrent ones. But at that time there was no other choice. So after delve&nb...

       2017-07-21 22:53:16

  WeChat 5.0 is coming soon

WeChat 5.01 now is available on App Store, but on Android, you still need to wait for some more time. If you want to experiment with new features of WeChat 5.0 now and you are using Android, you can request a beta version of WeChat 5.0 through here .Let's check out the new features first. WeChat 5.0 adopts the popular flat design, it focus on game platform. Main features are: You can play games with friends in game center Add bank account to pay with WeChat New bookmark function, you can bookm...

   WeChat 5.0,New fetuares     2013-08-04 22:42:45

  What have been Facebook’s greatest technical accomplishments?

To maintain a large website which gets billions of requests er day and keeps very fast response speed is not an easy task. Many big companies are trying best to improve user experience by adopting different techniques. There is a question on Quora which asks "What have been Facebook’s greatest technical accomplishments?". There is a person who worked in Facebook before provided an answer which helps us understanding how Facebook handles huge amount of traffic each day. Here is the answer f...

   Facebook, Design, Efficiency     2013-01-15 07:32:07

  Why Software Is Eating The World

This week, Hewlett-Packard (where I am on the board) announced that it is exploring jettisoning its struggling PC business in favor of investing more heavily in software, where it sees better potential for growth. Meanwhile, Google plans to buy up the cellphone handset maker Motorola Mobility. Both moves surprised the tech world. But both moves are also in line with a trend I've observed, one that makes me optimistic about the future growth of the American and world economies, despite the...

   software,quota,internet world,eat up     2011-08-22 12:06:40

  Mark Zuckerberg : Facebook's biggest mistake is relying too much on HTML5

On Disrupt conference organized by TechCrunch, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said they relied too heavily on HTML5 and ignored the advantages of the Native-App when talking about Facebook mobile product design strategy.Zuckerberg said the focus in HTML5 was his biggest mistake. This is the first time the young CEO admits he is wrong on HTML5 and native applications publicly. Zuckerberg later mentioned after transferring the Facebook client from HTML to Native applications, users coms...

   Facebook,HTML5,Native app     2012-09-11 19:18:39