Encrypting and decrypting PGP file or text on MacOS

  sonic0002        2020-10-29 05:06:09       36,730        1          English  简体中文  繁体中文  ภาษาไทย  Tiếng Việt 

When doing data exchange among different parties, there is a frequent need of encrypting data or file and sending it to partner and asking partner to use corresponding key to decrypt the data or file. A famous way of exchanging data is using asymmetric keys where no secret key needs to be shared. One party can just use the public key shared by partner to encrypt the data and the other party uses the private key to decrypt the data.

Today, we will introduce how to use PGP to encrypt and decrypt data on MacOS. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is an encryption system used for both sending encrypted emails and encrypting sensitive files. 

There are a few software on the internet can be used to do PGP encryption/decryption, on MacOS, we can use GPGTools, It can be easily installed on MacOS, after installing, when launching the tool GPG Keychain, you can generate new key pair or you can import existing keys shared by others or generated by yourself. The key setup is the first step before you can start to encrypt or decrypt data.

In GFG Keychain, if the keys are generated or imported, you would see below:

The type column indicates the key type, if it's a public key, it will tell you it's pub, if it's a private key, it would show as sec/pub.

Now to encrypt some file or data, you can hover on the file and right click mouse/touch pad.

You will find Services and a few options over there. When encrypting file, select OpenGPG: Encrypt File.

It will now ask to you to select recipient, basically the public key to use to encrypt the file. After encryption, a new file named original_file_name.gpg would be created.

When trying to decrypt the file, can do the same by selecting service OpenGPG: Decrypt File. The file will be decrypted with the sec key imported in your keychain. If there is no corresponding secret key can be used to decrypt the file, it would give some error saying no key is available to decrypt. In this case, you need to import the correct secret key.

Apart from decrypting file, one can also encrypt selected data in a file. The approach is similar to file encryption. Open the file, select portion of the data to be encrypted, then right click to bring up the menu, 

The encrypted data will put in the file with below encrypted data:



There are also some other tools can be used. Like PGPTool, a tool written with Java, the UI has a typical Java style looking.





Anonymous [Reply]@ 2022-07-26 15:42:46

I am performing these steps and get a "Decryption failed: No Data! (No data)
Code = 58" message. Can anyone shed light on how to troubleshoot this? Thank you!


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