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  Migrate from MySQL to MariaDB in Ubuntu

The biggest movement of escaping from MySQL in this century starts, openSUSE,Fedora and Arch have started to use MariaDB instead of MySQL as their default database. Many people also dislike the attitude of Oracle on MySQL, so it's reasonable to migrate from MySQL to MariaDB. The whole process is not complicated. Here we share the steps to migrate from MySQL to MariaDB in Ubuntu. Installation procedure: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 0xcbcb082a1bb943db Modify /etc/a...

   MySQL,MariaDB,Ubuntu     2013-08-13 11:14:51

  Accurate floating point number calculation in JavaScript

In JavaScript, since floating point is defined with IEEE754,there will be some accuracy issues while doing floating point number arithmetic. Here is a function which can resolve the accuracy issue. var calc = function(num1,operator,num2,len){    var numFixs = function(num){        var arr = num.toFixed(len).toString().split('.');        return parseInt(arr.join(''));    }    switch(operator){...

   JavaScript, floating point,IEEE 754,accuracy     2012-12-27 11:07:49

  8 most successful open source products

Open source itself is a successful product. It is not only liked by many personals, many famous enterprises like itAlthough there are numerous open source projects and open source products, which is the most successful among them? "Success" is defined as the widely used + well known here. In many successful open source products, only a minority leaders. Here we share 8 most successful open source products we think they deserve to be.LinuxReason: Linux + GNU = GNU / Linux. It has been almost 2...

   Open source,MySQL,Linux,BIND,BSD     2012-04-19 08:29:00

  What do programmers like to say usually?

Coding is an very important part of programmer's daily work. But beyond coding, programmers need to do other work as well, they need to fix bugs reported by users, they need to write documents for their codes. Also, they often need to answer questions from customers, bosses and colleagues. What do they often say when they are facing different sort of questions? Today we share some. It's done. I just need to clean up a few things. This is hacky, but I'll fix it soon. This can never happen: It's ...

   Programmer,Execuse,Bug     2013-08-07 07:38:30

  Lenovo gets into the chip design field

According to EETimes, Lenovo will enter the field of chip design, the main focus is the smartphone and tablet chip design.There is a small team of 10 people who are working on integrated circuit design in Lenovo in the past 10 years, Till the middle of this year, Lenovo intends to expand the team to 100 engineers. Lenovo may recruit 40 engineers in Shenzhen and 60 engineers in Beijing.Despite Lenovo has much freedom in the choice of application processors, but because it involves a competitive ...

   Lenovo,Chip,Samsung,Smartphone     2013-04-01 06:15:54

  Kodiak PHP can run PHP codes offline on iPad

In the eyes of the vast majority of application developers, iPad is the terminal equipment for running code, rather than the tool used to write code. However, there are some applications developers finding iPad's potential to develop a wide variety of programming applications with some applications, such as Diet Coda, Koder, Gusto and so on. The family of applications for writing applications has added a new member -  Kodiak PHP. This application runs on iPad, it can be used to develop PHP ...

   Kodiak PHP, rogramming,iPad     2012-09-24 11:54:08

  Everyone Can Write Tech Blogs

As a programmer, you’ve probably been told that writing tech blogs can offer a range of benefits. There's no shortage of articles encouraging you to start writing, and this post, this post adds to that chorus. But while the advice is solid, what’s often missing is how to begin the journey of writing tech blogs. Based on my 10+ years of experience, I’d like to share some thoughts to help you get started. From what I've seen, the reason many programmers don’t write tech blo...

   CAREER,RESUME,ADVICE,TECH BLOG     2024-09-08 04:00:52

  Google+ is sick

Google says that Google+ now has over 170million registered users, but according a new research report of Fast Company about Google+,  Google+ is just a virtual ghost town.This research selected a sample of 40,000 random Google+ users. The result is :The average post on Google+ has less than one +1, less than one reply, and less than one re-shareRoughly 30% of users who make a public post never make a second oneEven after making five public posts, there is a 15% chance that a user will not ...

   Google+,Sick,Research     2012-05-16 05:41:35

  Online Branding Tips for Small Businesses

Although an aspect ignored by many people who venture into the business sector, building a brand with a strong online presence may be one of the small details which can improve your performance significantly in the long run. Having said that, in this article, we’ll explore a few different online marketing and branding strategies and tips to help you build a stronger brand online.        #1 Build an identity When people hear about the name of your business, the...

   BRANDING,SOCIAL BUSINESS     2019-05-16 07:38:25

  How to praise yourself in resume

When finding a job, we first need to send our CV and resume to the employer. Among many candidates, how do we make our resume prominent and noticed by the employer. We need some impressive information. We can praise ourselves in the resume so that the employer can have a good impression on me. Here we summarized a list about how to praise ourselves in our resume.Mature, dynamic and honest.Excellent, ability of systematical management.Ability to work independently, mature and resourceful.A person...

   Resume,Career,Job,Content     2012-06-09 00:27:14