8 most successful open source products

  Peter        2012-04-19 08:29:00       8,220        1         

Open source itself is a successful product. It is not only liked by many personals, many famous enterprises like it

Although there are numerous open source projects and open source products, which is the most successful among them? "Success" is defined as the widely used + well known here. In many successful open source products, only a minority leaders. Here we share 8 most successful open source products we think they deserve to be.


Reason: Linux + GNU = GNU / Linux. It has been almost 20 years since
Linus Torvalds created a new OS kernel based Minix. During this time, most network servers are using Linux system.


Reason: For a long time, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD are 3 well-known OSs among the server OSs.  All of them were born out of Berkeley Unix systems, so we group these three together. In addition, Apple's Mac OS is born out of FreeBSD.


Reason: MySQL is the world's most widely used database systems. In 2009, the number of MySQL installations around the world reached 11 million. It is the M in LAMP architecture (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). Many well-known websites and products all use MySQL, such as: Wikipedia, Facebook, Google and Wordpress. In addition, Google and Facebook transformed  MySQL to meet their own needs.


Reason: The Apache HTTP server began in 1996, it is the world's most widely used Web server, its market share far more than the second IIS. In 2009, over 100 million websites are using Apache.

According to the statistics from
Netcraft in April,2012, there are 443,102,561 websites using Apache; Apache market share is 65.46%, while IIS has only 13.66%.


Reason: So far, it is Mozilla's most successful product. In November 9, 2004, FireFox 1.0 came out. It is the preferred browser of many technicians. Firefox browser evolutionary history: the Phoenix (
September 23, 2002) -> FireBird (May 17, 2003) ->  FireFox (February 9, 2004).

According to statistics of Net Market Share, Firefox's market share is 19.00% in March 2012, IE is 49.82%.


Reason: from 2004 Wordpress as a branch of b2 blog, it began to dominate the blog platform market. According to Pingdom in 2012,
48% of the global Top100 blogs use Wordpress.

Till April 2012, Wordpress 3.3 has been downloaded more than 14 million times.


Reason: BIND (Berkeley Internet Name DomainServer) is the most commonly used DNS server software, about 90% of DNS servers are using BIND DNS software. BIND version goes back to the 1980s, four graduate students from UC Berkeley jointly developed this software and it was released together with BSD 4.3.BIND is the global standard DNS server.


Reason:  In April 28, 2010, Ubuntu first version was released. So far, it is the most popular branch of Linux, especially its excellent desktop system.

In fact, these open source products really are everywhere. Most of websites you visit use the Apache Web server; the majority of web servers are using Linux or BSD; most of websites you visit use MySQL; when you submit DNS queries, they are processed by BIND server ; the blog you visit may be powered by Wordpress.

Reference : http://sd.csdn.net/a/20100826/278696.html





Bla [Reply]@ 2012-04-19 12:50:41
Ubuntu was not first released in 2010....


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