Please Steal These webOS Features

When Apple introduced the first iPad in 2010, I bought one immediately. I didn’t know what I’d use it for, but I was sure that I would find some use for it. I never did. I played around with it, wrote some code for it, but eventually stopped using it. I would pick it up from time to time to read something or watch a YouTube movie, but even that was a rare occurrence. I have since picked up an iPad 2, and I’m using it a lot more than the first iPad, but again, I’...

   WebOS,Feature,HP,borrow     2012-02-22 05:45:49

  When to Make a Mobile Web Application

I believe that unless your application meets one of these native application criteria, you should not create a native application, but should instead focus on building a mobile web application. Like I said before, I’m a big fan of native applications and I feel that there are a lot of great innovative and market opportunities here, but mobile web apps are the only long-term viable platform for mobile content, services, and applications. Native applications don’t service t...

   Web app,Situation,Condition,Native application     2011-12-12 02:45:52

  Why Flash didn’t work out on mobile devices

The debate over whether supporting the Adobe Flash plug-in on mobile devices is a feature or not is over. Last night, ZDNet got hold of a leaked Adobe announcement: It’s abandoning its work on Flash for mobile. It’s not a huge surprise that it came to this, since Adobe had been struggling to optimize the performance, and the tide has been turning toward HTML5.From the Adobe announcement ZDNet published:Our future work with Flash on mobile devices will be focused on enabling Fl...

   Flash,HTML5,Advantage,Merit,Mobile device,Support     2011-11-15 03:15:12

  Relationship oriented website vs content oriented website

Relationship oriented website is a kind of website based on friend circle, people come to the website to share news with their friends and see what's happening around their friends, these websites include Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. While content oriented website is a kind of website based on unique content, people come to the website to find information or find answers for their questions, these websites include TechCrunch, The Verge and Medium. Most of websites on the Internet nowadays belon...

   Relationship oriented,Content oriented, Loyalty     2013-07-11 09:20:37

  gethostbyname vs getaddrinfo

getaddrinfo is slower than ping when resolving domain names. I think ping uses gethostbyname to resolve a domain name. The question becomes whether getaddrinfo is slower than gethostbyname. After testing with both functions, we find that getaddrinfo is really slow compared to gethostbyname. By strace tracking,  we find getaddrinfo will communicate with DNS server 10 times and gethostbyname will communicate with DNS server communication twice.gethostbyname is an old way to resolve domain nam...

   C++,network,DNS     2012-08-15 14:06:34

  How to prevent next HeartBleed bug?

How to ensure the security of open source projects is a concern for many open source users including individual users and companies. But it's not an easy task to ensure the security of open source projects. Because everyone can see the source code, there is much higher possibility that a bug may be found by someone. Once a bug is disclosed, people may exploit it and do evil things, this may cause loss of money either for individuals or companies, some of the bugs may even have big impact to the...

   Open source,HeartBleed,Security     2014-04-24 09:07:05

  Why I Still Use Emacs

At school, I’m known as the Emacs guy; when people have questions about configuring Emacs or making it work a certain way, they often come and ask me. Sometimes, some people ask me why use Emacs at all? Isn’t it a really old editor and aren’t Eclipse or Visual Studio much better? I mean, they don’t have weird key bindings and have intellisense, that’s surely better for a programmer, right? I will attempt in this post to explain some of the reasons why I still c...

   Linux,Emacs,Editor,Advantage,IDE     2012-02-20 05:30:41

  How Integers Should Work (In Systems Programming Languages)

My last post outlined some of the possibilities for integer semantics in programming languages, and asked which option was correct. This post contains my answers. Just to be clear: I want practical solutions, but I’m not very interested by historical issues or backwards compatibility with any existing language, and particularly not with C and C++. We’ll start with: Premise 1: Operations on default integer types return the mathematically correct result or else trap. This is th...

   Number,Algorithm,System,Embedded system     2011-12-05 12:48:41

  Convert HTML to DOM elements using JavaScript

In some cases, one would want to convert a HTML string to the DOM elements so that JavaScript can handle them easily. This is frequently used when one get some data from third party APIs where the data is in HTML format. In JavaScript, there are a couple of ways one can use to convert HTML to DOM elements. DOMParser document.createElement DOMParser DOMParser can parse XML or HTML source stored in a string into a DOM Document. After the conversion, the normal JavaScript call of h...


  How GitHub Works: Hours are Bullshit

Frederick Winslow Taylor wrote the seminal analysis of management and efficiency in 1911 with The Principles of Scientific Management. He took the first scientific approach towards maximizing efficiency in manufacturing jobs. Time is money. Faster is better. More hours are better. Hours are bullshit Hours are great ways to determine productivity in many industries, but not ours. Working in a startup is a much different experience than working in a factory. You can’t throw more time at a...

   Work,Style,Time,Efficiency,Code,Enforcem     2011-08-19 07:42:32