Why my Website Contact form is not converting enough traffic?

  Kristybernales        2014-11-17 05:04:03       13,506        7         

Contact forms are a very common part of any website and anybody can overlook them. Generally people try to choose it as their first solution but they do not realize that they are actually hurting the growth of their business.

WordPress currently power more than 66 million websites but it would be good if your website is existing because of one of the most popular Content Management Systems of the world. Everyone starting from blogger to the person sitting next door use this tool for making their website look more amazing.

Because of this it looks very easy to browse your plugin directory, finding a form and then the data collection solution that will work for you. In reality this is not the best considered way for growing up your business

Here we are giving you three major reasons why you need to evaluate these form solutions to your website.

There Are Too Many Fields

When your customers are asking you for your products and want to learn more about your products and your services, they want you to cut through the most targeted person whether it is from sales, customer support or any other thing. So why do you want your customers to fill all the unnecessary fields like address, phone number when all you need is their name and email ID?

It has been studied that when someone fills in the form that you have provided online it becomes a potential lead and this would get increased by 50% when you will go from four fields to three fields. Removing a single field will double your conversion rate. It would be better if you remain genuine and ask simple questions to your visitors.

You Are Not Using Your CRM Properly and All Other Marketing Automation Tools

Most of the contact forms remain unanswered because there is always a communication breakdown between the admin of the website from the sales and marketing teams. What if your contact form should be able to pass the lead directly to your Customer Relationship Management solution?

Automatic syncing of your form will help you in improving your sales and workflow and will also enhance your overall conversion rate. Most of the time the businesses could not integrate their CRM systems along with their contact form because all this asks for a lot of coding. There are various form solutions like Gravity forms and WuFoo, this offer built-in integration of the providers like the Salesforce. 

You Do Not Have Any Proper SPAM Protection

Because spamming is increasing daily, your legitimate leads can also get tagged incorrectly because of coming from a bot rather than any human. Likewise the bots can also flood your contact forms with all the useless data. Having a correct and right spam protection will help in marking the bad lads and will allow the legitimate leads coming through that will save all your precious time and frustration.  

You will find a variety of anti-spam options like CAPTCHA and the “honeypot” that will help you in combating the problem but if you implement the wrong solution this will ruin your over all conversion. So the best option is adding the right technology will save you from various issues.

Further reading
12 Creative Ways to Design a Remarkable Website Footer

Further reading





ISHIR [Reply]@ 2014-11-18 01:33:40

Thanks for these useful tips. Although I'm very much aware of the first reason you provided and also agreed to that but was never think of the 3rd reason you gave. 


I will check try to implement this. Thanks for this useful content.



Mary [Reply]@ 2014-11-19 12:51:15

I am seeking better ways how to moarket my artwork as well as myself...  Do you all have any helpful tips where I can go about  how I can "sharpen" up my selling skills?


Rueben [Reply]@ 2014-11-22 10:51:07
This info is worth everyone's attention. Where can I find out more?
michael [Reply]@ 2014-11-23 08:07:30

Here's a few more tips for a great contact box

1) Insert a call to action to replace the text in the "submit" button. A dual CTA is even better. Like this; "Schedule My Repair Estimate and Save $105". Make the button to submit a bright color like red with good color contrast. Never use the word "submit"

2) Insert a red arrow above the box pointing downward to draw attention and create a sense of urgency

3) Insert the privacy statement "We never ever share your information with anyone." This helps build trust

4) The text at the top of the box should be a quick synopsis of what they will receive when they contact you or fulfill the CTA

5) Finally, keep this box above the fold and very visible. Don't offer more than just one or two CTA's. My goal is a phone call or email and that is consistent throughout the landing page.



Adam Scott [Reply]@ 2015-06-05 01:42:09

Re: Increase your website Traffic


We can fairly quickly promote your website to the top of the search rankings with no long term contracts!

We can place your website on top of the Natural Listings on Google, Yahoo and MSN. Our Search Engine Optimization team delivers more top rankings then anyone else and we can prove it. We do not use "link farms" or "black hat" methods that Google and the other search engines frown upon and can use to de-list or ban your site. The techniques are proprietary, involving some valuable closely held trade secrets. Our prices are less then half of what other companies charge.

We would be happy to send you a proposal using the top search phrases for your area of expertise. Please contact me at your convenience so we can start saving you some money.

In order for us to respond to your request for information, please include your company’s website address (mandatory) and /or phone number.

Adam Scott

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