
长期以来,REST是构建API的唯一“标准”。它取代了混乱的“太多XML”的SOAP。但是近年来,出现了新的替代品。2015 年,Facebook 向公众发布了GraphQL,而 2016 年,Google 推出了gRPC。本文将重点介绍 gRPC,并与仍广泛使用的 REST 进行比较。 概述 以下表格将为您提供讨论点的概述,并显示 REST 和 gRPC 的优劣之处。 主题 REST gRPC 标准化 没有标准 定义明确 范式 基于资源...

   COMPARISON,GRPC,REST     2023-04-29 06:44:09

  Basic Mistakes Developers Make When Creating APIs

Today, there are many tools that developers can use to create an API, meaning that some of them can come up with an API within a matter of minutes. However, there is a vast difference between just creating an API and building one that meets all your expectations, is reliable and secure. Some developers create APIs that work well but forget some basic things that, within no time, bring a lot of issues to the API users. In this article, we are going to talk about the basic mistakes that developers...

   API,API DESIGN,RESTFUL API     2020-08-19 07:54:03

  5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks For Creating An API

PHP is undoubtedly one of the most popular programming languages that offer a wide range of lightweight frameworks for building basic websites to REST APIs. These frameworks are powerful tools that have the potential to enhance productivity in order to deliver faster results without getting distracted from the best practices of development. Developing REST APIs with plain PHP is a tedious and time-consuming process. In order to sort this out, you only need to hire php developers who have a niche...

   PHP,API     2018-10-22 07:55:34

  Handle NXDomain error when resolving IP address in Ruby DNS resolver

In another post, we covered how to resolve SystemStackError when resolving IP address in Ruby. In this post, we would cover another common issue where a NXDomain error is returned when resolving an IP address. The NXDomain error means that the queried domain name does not exist in the DNS. In Ruby, DNS resolver library will use /etc/resolv.conf by default get the name servers to resolve the domain name. There are multiple DNS name servers can be specified in /etc/resolv.conf with below format. ...

   RUBY,RUBY ON RAILS,NETWORK,DNS,NXDOMAIN     2017-07-16 01:39:23

  Implementation of Tower of Hanoi

The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game or puzzle. It consists of three rods, and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide onto any rod. The puzzle starts with the disks in a neat stack in ascending order of size on one rod, the smallest at the top, thus making a conical shape. The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following rules: Only one disk may be moved at a time. Each move consists of taking the upper disk fro...

   Algorithm,Tower of Hanoi     2012-08-20 02:15:55

  Who’s the winner: Python vs. Java, C/C++?

If there is one debate that never dies in the language community then it is this: Who’s the winner: Python Vs Java, C/C++. Obviously each has its own pros and cons, but in which language do the pros outnumber the cons or which language has better cons than others! For some it just comes down to familiarity, they like what they like!   The Numbers  But as far as the rest of the language world goes, the debate is still out there. By last count, Java, C and C++ were still winning. A...

   JAVA,INDIA,DEVELOPERS     2017-09-11 00:38:25

  Recursive class initialization in Java

When a Java class is referenced and initialized, it has to go through the loading and linking first. Once the loading and linking complete successfully. The class will be initialized. The static variables and constant variables will be initialized during this process. Once the class is initialized, it is ready for use. If when class A is initialized and it is referencing a class B, the class B will also get initialized. But what will happen if class B is referencing class A as well? This is call...

   Java,JVM,class initialization,static final     2015-04-15 21:04:29

  Get hostname from a URL using JavaScript

Sometimes we may have strings which contain some UR;s and we may want to retrieve the hostname from the URLs for some statistic use. For example, we may have a URL : We may want to retrieve the from the URL. How? Use regular expression. Here I give an example using JavaScript. If you want to check whether a string is a URL or not. Refer to Detect URLs in a Block of Text. In JavaScript, we can have a regular expression like var pattern=/(.+:\/\...

   JavaScript,URL,regular expression, Hostname     2012-06-15 09:16:45

  Which one has a worse reputation, JavaScript or PHP?

There has a been a lot of criticism of PHP over being a badly designed programming language. JavaScript seems quite a similar language with loose-typing and flexible array declarations/memory management, but is widely adopted by industry leaders such as Google. Google even has a JavaScript style guide. Many people think that PHP has a worse reputation than JavaScript. Carlos Ribeiro gave his analysis on a high level which doesn't touch the language syntax. Attributing JavaScript success to it be...

   JavaScript,PHP,reputation,comparison     2014-05-03 06:26:10

  Difference between Beijing and Silicon Valley on innovation

The fundamental difference between Beijing and Silicon Valley is not the sky color, but the fact that on one side the young people are talking about buying a new house, a new car and getting married, while on the other side young people are talking about how to change the world. Now and then we can read from the newspaper or the Internet that a Silicon Valley company is valued over 1 billion US dollars. Also we can see many famous US IT brands on the Internet such as Google, Facebook,Twitter, Am...

   China,Silicon Valley,Innovation, Comparison     2013-06-24 03:09:54