Meta tag in HTML header

In server response, we can use response.setHeader() to set the meta information in header of a HTML page. The usage is response.setHeader(name,context); meta is used to simulate the response header of HTTP protocol in HTML page. It should be put between the <head> and </head> tag. 1. <meta name="Generator" content="" > <!--This is to specify the tool which generates this page such as Microsoft FrontPage 4.0 etc --> 2. <meta name="keywords" content=""> <!-- To tel...

   HTTP,meta,HTML,head     2013-05-22 11:34:08

  Click and Drag on xkcd

xkcd is a webcomic created by Randall Munroe. The comic's tagline describes it as "a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language." Also some webcomics about IT may frequently appear on it. For example, the following one-- People who know Unix will understand it easily. In fact, xkcd is a Geek culture, many comics inside this site can only understood by some specified group of people. The comic began in September 2005 when Munroe decided to scan doodles from hi...

   xkcd, 1110,Click and Drag     2012-11-05 11:23:19

  How Do You Find the Best Password Managers?

Looking for a smart way to protect your range of electronic devices? Most of us access tons of websites and it could be difficult to store our passwords. It is important to not reuse store passwords that are easily identifiable. Keeping your information secure is more important than ever. Data breaches can occur anytime and sometimes takes months to discover. Sometimes, maybe, they aren’t. Target is a data breach, for instance, took months to discover. Information was leaked online from ce...

       2017-05-11 06:33:55

  Simplify Cloud Data Security: A Deep Dive Into Protecting Sensitive Data in Java

Featuring encryption, anonymization, hashing, and access control Network security incidents occur now and then, mostly caused by data leakage. Data security has aroused widespread concern, and the community keeps working hard on approaches to simplify data security, especially in sensitive data protection. Sensitive data includes but is not limited to personally identifiable information (PII) like names, ID numbers, passport numbers, driver’s license numbers, contact information like addre...


  GoLang Interview Questions

Below lists some frequently asked GoLang interview questions and their corresponding answers based on the author's experience. The list is updated frequently with new understandings. Stay tuned. What is the GMP model of GoLang? GoLang uses goroutine to achieve concurrency and it is famous for high concurrency support as the language defines its own goroutine dispatching and processing system which is well known as GMP model. How it works is that M is normally defined as the OS thread being spawn...


  Have you used these JavaScript libraries before?

Are you a vanilla JavaScript developer or a JavaScript library lover?  If you are a vanilla JavaScript developer, please feel free to step away silently because you may not get what you want, but if you are a library or framework lover, please bookmark this page as what we list below are what you may use in the future. There are tons of JavaScript libraries created to ease the headache of developers who have to deal with different browsers on different devices. You may use some of them befo...

   JavaScript,Framework,Library     2014-09-27 22:06:55

  The Most Effective Stretches and Yoga Poses for Programmers

Programming software takes a tremendous amount of focus and effort. Working hard to transform code into software is an exciting feeling. It’s easy to get lost in your work as the hours fly by. I’ve done this many times. However, writing code can also be frustrating in many cases. I’ve been a programmer for many years, and I still spend hours debugging. Most of the time this level of debugging requires sitting down and focusing. After many years of this, you will be a prime ca...


  Build route graph of Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy swept US east side and landed in New York, it killed 113 persons and incurred 50 billion US dollars economic loss. Sandy is also considered as the most expensive hurricane. We will now use matplotlib and basemap libraries in Python to build a route graph of Sandy. Below is the animated GIF. Shadow is added in the graph to show the time at night, we can see from the graph that Sandy stayed a while in Panama after emerging, then it went through Cuba and became Hurricane-2. Late...

   Hurricane Sandy,Route graph,Python     2012-11-17 07:58:13

  7 Ways Tablets are Better than Laptops or Smartphones

Imagine a situation of preparing for a short weekend trip to a smaller village or a countryside with beautiful nature, fresh air and breathtaking scenery, where your cousins are eagerly expecting you for their twentieth marriage anniversary; you seem to be almost ready, but one thing is missing!  A considerable amount of work is still ahead of you, and you also want to stay in touch with your friends, which makes it a bit difficult to decide whether it would be more suitable to take your l...

   TABLETS,SMARTPHONE,LAPTOP     2018-07-25 05:32:44

  Steve Jobs attacks Android just for show?

Steve Jobs has a famous statement which says Android is a stolen product. What does Google CEO Larry Page think about this statement? Recently, Page said in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek that Apple hates Android just for show. He believes people should not look only to the competitions, but should focus on the potential cooperation opportunities to make the world better.The following is overview of the interview:Q: When you took over as CEO, one of your goals was to take the cle...

   Steve Jobs,Android,Larry Page     2012-04-08 08:30:33