How to choose a jQuery plug-in?

jQuery plug-in provides a good way to save time and simplify the development, programmers don't need to write each component from scratch. However, the plug-in will also be a destabilizing factor in your code library. A plug-in saves countless development time, but a poor quality plug-in will cost more than the actual time to write your own component from scratch. Luckily, usually you have many pls to choose from, but even if you have only one plug-in, you also need to know whether it's worth us...

   jQuery, plug-in     2012-10-27 03:51:40

  Galaxy S III will be released on May 3

Samsung Galaxy S II's popularity makes people look forward to the next generation of Galaxy mobile phones. As 2012 London Olympic Games is approaching us, Galaxy S III is also near us. An anonymous message says that the Galaxy S III conference was scheduled on May 3 at London, UK, this year's Olympic Games host city.According to the information previously circulated, Samsung Galaxy S III will have a 720p high-definition display Super AMOLED, the screen size will be between 4.6 to 4.8 inches, a...

   Samsung Galaxy S III,Release     2012-04-16 16:09:18

  New Android simulator has some big improvements

Message from the Android developer blog, the Android emulator now has a number of improvements and optimizations. It allows developers to develop applications more conveniently.The Android emulator is an important tool for Android developers developing and testing applications. Due to the rapid growth of Android hardware, the simulator has been slightly left behind. The new simulator brings some new functions including support for GPU, the CPU acceleration sensor support, multi-touch input suppo...

   Android, Simulator,GPU,OpenGL     2012-04-10 13:02:31

  Microsoft is the 17th largest contributor to Linux

The Linux Foundation has released 2012 Linux White Paper which analyzes developers and contributors of the Linux kernel from 2.6.36 to 3.2.The top ten contributors are: Red Hat, Intel, Novell, IBM, Texas Instruments, Broadcom, Nokia, Samsung, Oracle, and Google. The software giant Microsoft's contribution ranked at 17, while the company's CEO Steve Ballmer has claimed previously that Linux is a cancer. Microsoft engineers have contributed 688 patches, which are mostly related to Hyper-V vir...

   Linux,Microsoft,Contribution     2012-04-05 07:43:19

  Sony is to release PlayStation4 in 2015

According to Japanese media, Sony may release its flagship game console PlayStation 4 in the Christmas 2013, codenamed Orbis, As the source of the message is very reliable, so the possibility of a new generation of Sony PlayStation 4 game console to the market next year is still quite large. Sony has registered the Orbis domain name, but people are still unable to obtain relevant news on the Orbis website. The release plan on the Sony PlayStation4 game console will be officially launched this s...

   Sont,PS4,PlayStation,High resolution     2012-04-04 08:44:13

  Symbian is dead

Although Nokia has repeatedly indicated that it will give up Symbian, but no one thought their actions would be so fast. This morning, some people from Nokia Italy said Symbian's life will be ended prematurely. The source revealed some information of Symbian's future.  The Nokia 808 will be equipped with the Symbian Belle FP1 system, Nokia will soon provide updates to this hand phone with Symbian Belle FP2, the platform will no longer receive any updates there after..Of course, this also me...

   Nokia,Symbian,Death     2012-05-24 04:57:16

  Twitter prosecuted five companies

Recently Twitter sought help from law enforcement agencies because they can not stand spam emails. On Thursday, Twitter prosecuted five separate companies which provide tools so that spam on Twitter can be spread easier.Twitter said in a statement, Twitter now has 140 million active users, and the number of users are still increasing quickly, as Twitter continues to grow, spam also began looking to come to. Although the content of the spam on Twitter is not the proportion, it still gave rise to ...

   Twitter,Spam,Prosecution     2012-04-06 01:58:37

  Never ever touch a programmer

This is a technical license plate block example. We don't know whether it is working or not, however, the idea is very good. When you drive through some of the junctions, the camera captures the license number and convert it into text with OCR, and then insert them into the database. Therefore, this license plate on the car becomes a SQL injection. This picture tells us -- never trust user input.Author : 陈皓 Source :

   Programmer,SQL injection     2012-04-21 01:19:48

  Google releases new app to improve the accuracy of indoor positioning

Google Maps, Bing Maps, and some map providers have offered indoor map service such as in  the airport, major shopping malls and stadiums for some time. The problem is that these indoor maps can not precisely tell you which floor you are on a map, the GPS obviously can not work very well in this environment, WiFi and GPRS positioning is not very precise. Google announced the improvement program of Google Maps for accurate indoor positioning. The current owners of these places will cooperat...

   Google Map,Indoor service,Positioning     2012-04-08 09:46:53

  Foursquare : 20 million users and 2 billion check-ins

Yesterday was the Foursquare third annual 4sqDay celebration (Four - squared open four square, ie April 16), this mobile phone service site which is based on user location information confirmed that their users reached 20 million and there were two billion check-ins.Foursquare was founded in 2009 and it is a mobile phone service website based on the user location information .It encourages mobile phone users to share their current geographic location and other information with others. In co...

   Fpoursquare,Check-in,4sqDay     2012-04-17 13:39:14