Twitter prosecuted five companies

  Yong Zhang        2012-04-06 01:58:37       3,608        0         

Recently Twitter sought help from law enforcement agencies because they can not stand spam emails. On Thursday, Twitter prosecuted five separate companies which provide tools so that spam on Twitter can be spread easier.

Twitter said in a statement, Twitter now has 140 million active users, and the number of users are still increasing quickly, as Twitter continues to grow, spam also began looking to come to. Although the content of the spam on Twitter is not the proportion, it still gave rise to much inconvenience.

said in a statement , The legal action taken is to tell people that as long as the spammers on Twitter are active and affect Twitter's normal operations, they will pay a high price to serious consequences.

Violation of the provisions of Twitter, the site of the five defendants prosecuted were: TweetAttacks ( TweetAdder (, TweetBuddy (, James Lucero, (of and Garland Harris (of troption com).

It is reported that Twitter is not the first to provide a legal means to combat junk e-mail to help the social networking company. Earlier this year, Facebook, and Washington state prosecutors jointly filed two lawsuits spam Clickjackers spread on the Facebook network.

Twitter to use legal means to safeguard the security of their own body is laudable, but the prosecution also let Twitter into a controversy of suspected fraud to the user. Earlier this year, Twitter has claimed that the acquisition of security firm Dasient, and thus the
anti-spam team is also expanding. And now? The acquisition doesn't seem have much effect, they still have to rely on relevant departments to help them prosecute spammers.

Note : Article author : Yong Zhang Source :





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