Programming Languages for Machine Learning Implementations

Machine learning algorithms have a much better chance of being widely adopted if they are implemented in some easy-to-use code. There are several important concerns associated with machine learning which stress programming languages on the ease-of-use vs. speed frontier.Speed The rate at which data sources are growing seems to be outstripping the rate at which computational power is growing, so it is important that we be able to eak out every bit of computational power. Garbage collected la...

   Programming language,Machine learning,Development     2011-11-16 08:22:17

  Implementation of +,-,*,/ with bitwise operator

There is a question asked on Stackoverflow : Divide a number by 3 without using *,/,+,-,% operators. This question is an Oracle interview question. Some people give excellent answers. You can go there and take a look. Usually we need to use bitwise operators to do this kind of implementations. Here I want to show you ways to implement +,-,*,/ with bitwise operators. A bitwise operation operates on one or more bit patterns or binary numerals at the level of their individual bits. It is a fast, pr...

   Bitwise operator,Shift,Add,Subtract,Multiplication,Division     2012-08-05 01:52:47

  App defeats web

As an admired rock musician and co-founder of the venture capital firm Elevation Partners, Roger McNamee has a statement about Apple : The reason why Apple is so successful today is because App defeats Web.Apple divides contents of web into small apps, and then ask users to pay. This actually means that Apple creates a new business model which is fundamentally different from Web.Commodity Content and Differential ContentCommodity Content is the information model in desktop and web era which is h...

   App,Web,Apple,HTML5     2012-05-16 05:16:00

  What Separates Good Designers from Great Ones

Most of the design books you read, including my own, are about how to be a good, competent designer. They are about how to make strong, reasoned design decisions and about design methods and tools. But what they won’t—can’t—teach you is how to become a great designer. The only way to be a great designer is to produce great products. Everything else is…well, everything else. I’m convinced that the people who are great designers, while assure...

   Designer,Feature,Great designer,Good designer,Comparison     2011-12-06 02:25:17

  Why Most of us Get Confuse With Data Quality Solutions and Bad Data?

How to fix this misunderstanding is what Big Data professionals will explain in this post. The C-level executives are using data collected by their BI and analytics initiatives to make strategic decisions to offer the company a competitive advantage. The case gets worse if the data is inaccurate or incorrect. It’s because the big data helps the company to make big bets, and it impacts the direction and future together. Bad Data can yield inappropriate results and losses. Some interesting ...

   BIGDATA     2018-02-21 06:01:35

  Amazon is a good company but doesn't have the best business model

Public opinion about a company is usually based on its performance. If it performs well, people will praise it, otherwise people will blame it. In 1999, Apple was still a broken apple(Steve Jobs's talent and effort was paid off yet). Public opinion about Apple was the closed model caused Apple's failure. They built hardware themselves, developed software themselves and delivered service themselves, this is certainly not sustainable. But Steve Jobs let everyone see this new model. In order to con...

   Business model,Amazon,Apple, Microsoft     2013-07-02 11:34:45

  Wow: Intel unveils 1 teraflop chip with 50-plus cores

I thought the prospect of quad-core tablet computers was exciting.Then I saw Intel's latest -- a 1 teraflop chip, with more than 50 cores, that Intel unveiled today, running it on a test machine at the SC11 supercomputing conference in Seattle.That means my kids may take a teraflop laptop to college -- if their grades don't suffer too much having access to 50-core video game consoles.It wasn't that long ago that Intel was boasting about the first supercomputer with sustained 1 teraflop performan...

   Intel,Chip,Multi-core,teraflop     2011-11-16 08:15:39

  Magic CSS shape

There is a question on StackOverflow which states that someone finds a CSS sample on  , the sample shows a triangle created with pure CSS. The source code is :#triangle-up {width: 0;height: 0;border-left: 50px solid transparent;border-right: 50px solid transparent;border-bottom: 100px solid red;}The question is how these few lines can create a triangle? Next we give the answer and the detail illustration to this question We need to consider the B...

   CSS,Triangle,Box model,Border     2012-04-20 12:56:22

  How Speeding The "Most Important Algorithm Of Our Lifetime" Could Change This Modern World

Math breakthroughs don't often capture the headlines--but MIT researchers have just made one that could lead to all sorts of amazing technological breakthroughs that in just a few years will touch every hour of your life. Last week at the Association for Computing Machinery's Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) a new way of calculating Fast Fourier Transforms was presented by a group of MIT researchers. It's possible that under cert...

   FFT,Speed-up,Fast fourier transform     2012-03-20 07:47:04

  Apple investigating new iPad WiFi issues, tells AppleCare to replace affected units

According to an internal AppleCare document, Apple is actively investigating a series of WiFi-related issues affecting the third-generation iPad. Since the new iPad’s launch, many users have been complaining about third-generation iPad WiFi issues ranging from connection drops, slow download and upload speeds, or the device’s inability to even pickup local WiFi networks. A thread discussing the issue exists on Apple’s online support forums has almost amassed 700 repl...

   Apple,iPad,Wifi,Hardware issue     2012-04-06 01:37:59