Common usage of ls command in Linux

In Linux, ls might be one of the most frequently used commands. It is used to list files in a specific directory. In most cases, we may just use ls -l to list the files under a directory. But have you explored other usages of this command. In this post, we will summarise some other common usages of ls command Assuming we have below directory structure in our system, let's see them using tree command. List details of the files If we want to list the details of the files in /home/alvin/test_...

   LINUX,SHELL,LS     2018-12-16 03:00:42

  Google Chrome Alternatives: Best Browsers For Android

Most Android phones come with Chrome pre-installed as the default browser. There’s nothing wrong with that. Chrome is a great browser with excellent features. And it feels natural alongside all the other Google products that also come pre-installed on Android. But the type of browser someone uses is super important. In the end, the browser may be one of the most-used apps on any phone.  Browsers need to fit the needs and lifestyle of the person who is using it. To name a few examples,...

   FIREFOX,MICROSFT EDGE,CHROME     2020-06-18 07:12:35

  10 tools to make your shell script more powerful

Many people mistakenly think that shell scripts can only be run in command line. In fact shell can also call some GUI components such as menus,alert dialogs, progress bar etc. You can control the final output, cursor position and various output effects. Here we introduce some tools which can help you create powerful, interactive and user friendly Unix/Linux shell scripts. 1. notify-send This command can let you inform the process to send a desktop notification to users. This can be used to send ...

   shell,GUI,zenity     2013-04-05 08:50:41

  Using msmtp to replace sendmail

sendmail is a mail client in Linux with many vulnerabilities and tedius configuration steps, many system administrators have disabled using it. Then how do we know what happens if a crontab script executes with error? Actually there are some replacements for sendmail, one is ssmtp, but this application is no longer maintained, we even cannot find its source code on Google. Fortunately, we can use msmtp to replace sendmail. The address : 1. Installation After downloa...

   sendmail, msmtp, replacement     2012-09-27 11:41:48

  Using vi key bindings in bash and zsh

Takeaway: If you prefer to use vi or vim for command-line editing, you can configure shells to use vi key bindings instead of emacs-style key bindings. Here’s how. By default, most shells use emacs-style key bindings for command-line editing and modification. For users of vi or vim, however, you can instead configure shells to use vi key bindings instead. This is done by editing ~/.bashrc in the case of bash, or ~/.zshrc in zsh a...

   vi,Linux,Zsh,bash,key binding     2012-02-07 06:22:36

  Business Opportunities for Entrepreneurs – Check them Out Here

We are in the digital era, and today, starting a business seems to be easier than ever before. With a smart device and a reliable internet connection, you are almost halfway to becoming a business owner. The main challenge, however, comes in identifying a good business opportunity to venture in, especially considering the high competition in nearly all sectors. Today, nearly everything is done online, and you can take advantage of this to sell your products or services. The best part about onlin...

   BUSINESS     2020-05-13 11:25:28

  7 misunderstandings of DNS resolution

DNS resolution is generally considered as providing mapping between domain name and IP address, for example maps to There are two important reasons for doing DNS resolution: IP address is hard to remember, while domain name is human friendly Virtual host may access different contents according to the header of the host domain name(sub-domain name) Some webmasters may have some unreasonable requirements when doing DNS resolution. It mainly because they are not very...

   DNS resolution,misunderstanding     2012-10-20 12:57:16

  Why Good Programmers Are Lazy and Dumb

I realized that, paradoxically enough, good programmers need to be both lazy and dumb. Lazy, because only lazy programmers will want to write the kind of tools that might replace them in the end. Lazy, because only a lazy programmer will avoid writing monotonous, repetitive code – thus avoiding redundancy, the enemy of software maintenance and flexible refactoring. Mostly, the tools and processes that come out of this endeavor fired by laziness will speed up the production. This ma...

   Good programmer,Lazy,Reason,Dumb     2012-04-18 07:15:23

  Java code to retrieve Bing background image path

When Microsoft presented their search engine Bing, this new design gave us some surprise, especially its background images, they are very beautiful and it will change every day. But   unfortunately we cannot save the image onto our PC by right clicking the mouse.  After some research on its source code, I found a feasible but not so sophisticated way to achieve this, we can retrieve the image path from the source code and then use this path we can download the image. This is just to sh...

   Java,Bing,Background image path,URL,Download,Save     2012-05-02 10:51:51

  Google feels the threat from Samsung

In response to Apple's iOS system, Google and Samsung stood on the same side. But with the increase of market share of Samsung Android devices, Google begins to feel the threat from Samsung.On MWC in Barcelona, a group of business executives said Google increasingly worried about Samsung after a private party. Because its equipment has occupied 40% of the Android devices, which could erode the Google advertising service. Google hopes manufacturers such as HTC and HP can challenge Samsung.It is r...

   Google,Samsung,Android     2013-02-27 21:12:17