It makes nothing but sense...Mobile Payment...

Chinese New Year is around the corner, every place in China and lots of places in the work have been in the CNY mode. People are rushing out to get all the stuff ready to welcome the New Year Eveand the Spring Festival. I also packed my stuff and flew back to my howntown in China to enjoy the great moment to stay with families and hang out with friends whom I have't been seeing for almost one year. I am exited... However, the first thing stunned me is not my friends but the mobile payment s...


  Tencent released Q1 earning report of 2013

Tencent has released the earnings report of Q1 in 2013, the total revenue is $2.1611 billion which increases  11.5% compared to last quarter and increases 40.4% compared to the same time last year. The  profit is 649.4 million US dollars which increases 17.3% compared to last quarter and increases 37.4% compared last year.The three main profit generators are:1. Value-added services revenue of 1.7014 billion US dollars with an increase of 13.6% compared to last quarter and an increase o...

   Tencent,Earnings report,WeChat     2013-05-15 07:02:45

  Why cannot Renren be China's Facebook?

Yizhou Chen, CEO of China's SNS community Renren, shouted "one war, three battles". We do not know now how the battle progresses. Currently Renren's net market value is $1.3 billion where 900 million of them are in cash, it means the market values Renren 400 million US dollars only which is far lower than Facebook. Why cannot Renren be China's Facebook? This is a very interesting topic, many users share their opinions, Some of the main points are summarized as follows:Facebook pay more attentio...

   Renren, Facebook,SNS     2012-11-22 11:44:33

  Apple And SAP Joined To Grow A New Development Community

SAP has teamed up with Apple. The two big worlds where at one end, Apple’s world-renowned user experiences and SAP’s unparalleled end-to-end business processes and software at the other end have successfully combined. As a result, the partnership opens up new opportunities, revolutionizing the entire digital experience for customers allowing numerous app development companies and developers to make a huge difference.   “I believe what’s going to happen with the relea...


  Mark Zuckerbeg's hacker way

According to TechCrunch, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote codes for the latest mobile IM application : Poke, the tone played when receiving push notifications is from the mouth of Zuckerberg. This approach reflects the way pursued by Zuckerberg : hacker way.As one of the earliest features of Facebook the "Poking" is invented by Zuckerberg, it is not surprising that Zuckerberg involves in Poke's development.Zuckerberg recorded his own voice on the phone initially just for fun. But he was later ...

   Poke,Facebook,Snapchat, Mark Zuckerberg     2012-12-24 12:01:52

  Deploy the political campaign with all guns blazing through predictive dialer

The US Presidential election 2016 is turning out as more of a global event day by day, as it’s going to influence numerous countries around the world in one or other way. It is getting more and more intense as D-day is coming closer. You can experience the energy in candidates’ vociferous debates, where they put forward their agendas, their point of views, which give us the glimpse of their philosophy and their vision towards the betterment of the country. Whether it is Democratic o...


  Tom Uglow from Google : 5 steps to innovation

Google has been known for its innovation In Google there is a "welfare": each employee can spare 20% of his/her time to do what he/she likes to do so that any idea has a chance to be turned into reality. Perhaps this freedom makes Google capable of introducing new products and new ideas continuously. Google China held a small discussion session in its office in Tsinghua Science Park recently, Google Creative Director Tom Uglow shared some experience and cases of Google in production and innovat...

   Innovation,Technology,Google     2012-10-10 20:00:47

  Top 10 Best Free PHP Frameworks of 2015

Like it or not, PHP is still, the most celebrated as well as an influential platform which is widely admired for its brilliant HTML, database integration support, intuitive features, and simple in learning too. Using diverse PHP frameworks, developers can create robust, effective, well- defined and stable web application with an ease and therefore, saving towards development cost is possible.   In essence, these frameworks facilitate scalability and enduring maintenance by obeying developm...


  WeChat has 100 million international users now

Just one month ago, Tencent announced that it had 70 million international users outside of China mainland. Today, they announced that WeChat hit 100 million international users. In just one month, the international users increase by 30 million. WeChat becomes one of the most tough competitors in the international IM market. Although there are still Whatsapp, Line and some other IMs, WeChat provides many different robust features, especially in the newly released WeChat 5. The new features in W...

   WeChat,Tencent,Internationalization     2013-08-20 02:38:14

  Office will finally be on iOS and Android in 2013

It was confirmed that Office would land on iOS and Android platforms by Microsoft in October. Microsoft claims that Office will be on these two platforms in some way. Now many sources indicated that Office will be officially launched at the beginning of 2013. It is reported that the mobile version of Office will be free on Android and iOS, it allows users to view Office documents. Mobile version of Office also requires a Microsoft account just like SkyDrive and OneNote App. After login, users c...

   Office,Android,iOS,Office 365     2012-11-07 11:57:50