Top 10 Best Free PHP Frameworks of 2015

  JatinPanchal        2015-10-02 04:56:03       6,951        0         

Like it or not, PHP is still, the most celebrated as well as an influential platform which is widely admired for its brilliant HTML, database integration support, intuitive features, and simple in learning too. Using diverse PHP frameworks, developers can create robust, effective, well- defined and stable web application with an ease and therefore, saving towards development cost is possible.


In essence, these frameworks facilitate scalability and enduring maintenance by obeying development standards, staying your code organized and permitting your application to progress and grow after some time. It also consists of couple of inconceivable structures for building your growth tremendously quick, hugely fruitful, and so protects you from low intensity error.

Here is an exhaustive list of top 10 best Free PHP Frameworks of 2015 which works equally for beginners and professionals. There is no effect on the speed of the website after utilizing this free framework because basically it helps you enhance the loading time of a website.


CakePHP framework is the fastest growing frameworks, provide great platform for developing web applications easily and quickly without requiring more code and configuration. It is simple to learn and offers in-built tools for input validation, SQL injection prevention, so you can keep your website safe and secure.


Looking for a framework that is really easy to learn? Then, take an attention on well readable and well-documented PHP Framework, “Laravel”. It assists developers in building wonderful MVC web applications using simple, expressive syntax, painless routing, beautiful templating, and a simple authentication.


CodeIgniter is a very powerful and excellent PHP framework for developing feature-loaded and visualizing impressive web applications with simple and an elegant toolkit. It offers several features that will definitely make you taste CodeIgniter for your next project like no PHP version conflict, nearly zero configuration, simple security, well established libraries, easy error handling, etc.

Zend framework:

No one can neglect enterprise ready frameworks for building modern, high-Performing PHP applications. It offers cryptographic and secure coding tools to perform web app development projects in a flawless manner.


Phalcon is one of the fastest PHP framework implemented as a C extension. It helps you build single-module, multi-module and micro MVC applications by using features like security, management, translations, etc.

Yii Framework:

Yii is another fast, stable, secure and best performing PHP framework for developing enterprise web applications, social media applications, SaaS, PaaS and a lot more. It offers MVC design pattern, rich set of features, authentication, DAO, scaffolding, testing etc.


It is simple yet powerful, flexible MVC framework for both experienced and beginner PHP developers that offers URL routing system, RESTful implementation, template parsing, HMVC implementation, form and data validation, vulnerability protection, and many more.


Symfony is an advanced and most popular PHP framework that offers lots of reusable PHP components that you can use effectively like security, translation, templating, validator, form configuration and more.


PHPixie is a lightweight, easy to learn MVC based PHP framework that provides a solid foundation for developing dynamic and bug-free web application.


Slim is a frivolous micro PHP framework, comes with sans the excess learning curve. It is developed with unbelievable routing system, and RESTful API.

Wrap Up:

With these 10 useful free PHP frameworks, you will definitely develop truly amazing web application to attract all potential audience. So, just try these as early as possible to pick your favorite.

Author: Jatin Panchal - Project Manager at Leading Web and Mobile Application Development Company - Rlogical Techsoft Pvt Ltd





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