Alibaba subreddit has been banned from Reddit

The subreddit of Alibaba, the biggest e-commerce giant in China, has been banned from Reddit.The reason given is that this community has violated the Reddit rules. But no details about what rules are violated given by Reddit. If we now try to access, we will see below page. From the page, it says this subrredit has been banned 6 months ago. It's unknown whether this subreddit was created by Alibaba Group or by some other people. And it's unclear w...

   CHINA,ALIBABA,REDDIT     2015-09-28 03:20:12

  If programming language is a knife, what would it be?

The following diagram shows that if is a programming language is a knife, what would it be.? This figure I personally feel very interesting.I try to give my  explanation for some languages  here:.C + +, C and Pascal are the Swiss Army knife. The knife of the C language has a USB, that can do hardware operation. C++, a knife with everything, C + + is a variety of languages​​. Swiss army knife (figure C+ + is very powerful, do not think that it is fictional, this knife is r...

   Programming language,Knife,Swiss army life     2012-04-21 00:52:22

  Jack Ma : Where are you going during the weekends?

Jack Ma, the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba founder and executive chairman, was reported to show up in a night club named Dragon-i in Hong Kong on 17th August night (Beijing Time).  It became the headline in China soon after this news was reported as many people thought it was quite unusual that a successful and super rich business man like him would show up in night clubs. Jack Ma explained on his Weibo(China's Twitter) on this and he posted a question to people as well which ...

   Alibaba, Jack Ma, Night club, Bar, Hong Kong     2015-08-23 02:42:59

  YouTube’s Policy Change: All Set to Take Down Hate Videos

Owing to a major policy change, YouTube is introducing new changes in the ways the videos are streamed on its channel. YouTube being the giant video sharing website is all set to work on a long list of policies regarding the content of videos on its channel. The shift in the policies has been introduced by the Google so that hate speech videos can be taken down by the channel.  The most important concern behind the policy shift is to eliminate the videos that are influential in nature. The...


  One minute to understand earnings report of IT giants in last quarter

According to Sohu IT, if you want to know the operating status of a listed technology company, then the company's quarterly earnings report should not be missed. Now it's time for companies to release earnings report for last quarter, a few large IT giants in United States have announced the previous quarter's earnings. But many ordinary readers are not interested in those professional reports with a lot of finance jargon, so we extracted and summarized some important information from Yahoo, Goo...

   Earnings report,IT giant     2013-04-27 10:05:38

  Alibaba CEO Daniel Zhang is no longer president of Taobao Software Co. Ltd

According to a recent change record from Chinese company registration information portal, the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group CEO Daniel Zhang is no longer the president of TaoBao Software Co. Ltd. His successor is Shan Dai, who is one of the founders of Alibaba and now Taobao CEO. Along with the change, Daniel also quits as the president of Tmall technology company which is also one of the subsidiaries of Alibaba Group focusing on big brands. Taobao (China) Software Co., Ltd. was establ...

   CEO,ALIBABA,TAOBAO,DANIEL ZHANG     2022-04-24 07:45:48

  When will Google be back to China?

There will be news about Google returning back to China every now and then since the search giant left China in 2010. Every sign of change about Google in China will give people big hope on its return. But Chinese are still waiting for the dream to become true though nothing real happen until now. On Thursday, it seems there is "proof" again that Google is going back to China. In the morning, many Chinese noticed that the official Google China weibo(China's Twitter) account uploaded a photo with...

   GOOGLE,CHINA,SEARCH ENGINE,BAIDU     2017-03-02 09:39:51

  3 reasons why Alibaba invests on Sina Weibo

Last night, Alibaba announced acquisition of 18% shares of Sina Weibo with $586 million, according to sources close to the deal, after the completion of this deal, Alibaba will become the second largest shareholder of Sina Weibo and may become the largest shareholder in the future.This deal was supposed to be completed before Chinese Spring Festival, but because Alibaba and Sina had a heated argument about the share holding of Sina Weibo which resulted in substantial delay in the time to complet...

   Alibaba,Sina Weibo     2013-04-29 20:30:05

  Microsoft is the 17th largest contributor to Linux

The Linux Foundation has released 2012 Linux White Paper which analyzes developers and contributors of the Linux kernel from 2.6.36 to 3.2.The top ten contributors are: Red Hat, Intel, Novell, IBM, Texas Instruments, Broadcom, Nokia, Samsung, Oracle, and Google. The software giant Microsoft's contribution ranked at 17, while the company's CEO Steve Ballmer has claimed previously that Linux is a cancer. Microsoft engineers have contributed 688 patches, which are mostly related to Hyper-V vir...

   Linux,Microsoft,Contribution     2012-04-05 07:43:19

  Fab CEO: Why we choose Tencent in China?

Today one important news is that Fab completes its D round fund raising with 150 million US dollars. Regarding this round of fund raising, Fab CEO Jason Goldberg explained : "If Fab wants to do business in US only, then it's not necessary to raise so much money.". Also from the investment of Tencent and Itochu from Japan, China and Japan will be Fab's new market of expansion. Why does Fab choose to cooperate with Tencent to expand Chinese market?(There was news that Alibaba was also contacting F...

   Fab,Tencent,Alibaba     2013-06-19 03:05:03