Password-less login

Most websites need user login in order to provide personalized content to visitors. The usual way is to request user to register an user account. Actually, this is not so appealing since if we need to remember one password for each website, it's troublesome, while for developers, it's their responsibility to protect password, once password is leaked, then it's a big headache to a website's business and reputation. So long time ago people started thinking about password-less login, this is a big ...

   Password-lesslogin,Authentication     2012-11-05 12:29:55

  A mini guide to HTTP referer

In HTTP header, there is a field named Referer which is to provide the referrer of the current accessed page. In this post, we will introduce the usage of HTTP referer field. On the web, when a user visits a webpage, s/he must be from some place. This place is usually referred a s referer. This information is very important to some website operators and server owners as they want to know where they get the traffic from and this helps them provide better service for potential targeted users. In t...

   HTML,HTTP REFERER,REFERRERPOLICY     2019-06-29 02:23:25

  Some tips for writing proper emails

Email is now becoming one necessity of working. We may receive hundreds of emails everyday, they may from our colleagues, friends or clients. We need to exchange ideas, arrange meetings , asking for help etc though email in our work. A proper email can help us achieve what we want to achieve. Here we share some tips for writing a proper email.At the beginning of an email : Thank the reader is a good way to start the email, thank the reader may make the reader feel happy, especially when you ask ...

   EMAIL,TIP,FORMAT,TEMPLATE     2012-07-02 12:26:32 Writing an LLM Application in Rust

Over the past year, large language models (LLMs) have been booming and developing vigorously. As an enthusiast of data systems, it would indeed seem outdated not to pursue and research this hot field at all. This article summarizes my recent practical experiences attempting to write an LLM application using Rust with Concepts Related to Large Language Models When talking about large language models, it's impossible not to mention ChatGPT and OpenAI. Although OpenAI recently change...

   LLM,RUST,APPLICATION,DEVELOPMENT     2024-09-30 21:38:04

  GitHub : Code is the most direct way for programmers to communicate

If not invested by Andreessen Horowitz, GitHub might not be noticed by Forbes, CNN, New York Times. People didn't know this tool because it was very far away from the world -- GitHub is a project hosting service used by programmers.But to some programmers, it is not just a place for project hosting, it is`also the hub for open source projects, a place for programmers improving themselves and a social network for programmers.There are around 3.26 million projects hosted on GitHub currently, inclu...

   GitHub,Open source,Hosting,Social     2012-07-20 11:38:31

  How to monitor user behavior in webpage

Sometimes there is a need for website owners to monitor user behavior on the site so that they can know what pages are mostly visited and which parts are more popular so that they can provide better service to their users. These behavior usually contain user clicks, user mouse over events etc. These data can be sent back to server when triggered with some meta data. In this post, we will cover a few ways to monitor user behavior on a web portal and send data back to backend sever. 1. Synchronous...

   HTML,BEACON API,PING,USER BEHAVIOR     2019-06-29 06:06:59

  4 ways to obtain access token in OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is an authorization mechanism, it's ,mainly used for issuing access token. There are 4 ways to obtain access token as per RFC 6749. Authorization code Implicit Password Client credentials The third party application must obtain a client id and client secret from the target service before obtaining access token no matter which method to use. This is to prevent token to be used maliciously. Authorization code With this method, the third party application must first get an authorization...

   OAUTH2,ACCESS TOKEN,REFRESH TOKEN     2019-06-29 07:12:03

  Fix WampServer offline issue

WampServer is a web server on Windows which provides easy to use features for PHP developers. You can easily setup a web server by installing WampSserver without much hard to understand configurations. After installing it and with a simple configuration, you just need to double click it and start all services and your server is gonna up.  If the server starts up normally, you will see a green icon which indicates the working status at the taskbar. But if you don't see the green icon shown u...

   APACHE,PHP,WAMPSERVER     2015-09-13 01:59:38

  10 notorious computer virus

The history of computer virus is the same as computer history. With more and more powerful computers, virus also are smarter and harder to be detected and killed. They have big impact on data security and system usability. We introduce 10 notorious computer virus in the history. 1. Creeper In 1971, the Creeper virus, an experimental self-replicating program, is written by Bob Thomas at BBN Technologies. Creeper infected DEC PDP-10 computers running the TENEX operating sy...

   Computer virus,History,Security     2013-07-16 21:09:22

  Top 10 Tell Tale Signs Your Computer Has a Virus

The true genius of the 'computer' is its ability to make human lives easier. This is only achieved from the ability of running software such as word processing, number crunching with Excel or learning from the worlds largest source of knowledge, via web browsers. Today being connected to the internet is fundamental to leading a productive modern life. While internet is a boon it comes with its own share of problems. As internet users increase so does the instance of com...