Why doesn't Google copy successful startup ideas?

Google is definitely one of the largest players in Internet world. It owns the most popular search engine, mobile operating system and mapping service. It not only has huge user base but also is extremely rich. It can copy and create any product that is proven to be successful with its talent pool and money. But why doesn't Google copy those successful startup ideas? Based on the current status quo and culture gene of Google, there are several reasons Google doesn't copy startup ideas. First, Go...

   Google,Startup,Copy     2013-09-11 07:03:02

  NIO vs IO in Java

Java 1.4 provides a new API for handling IO -- NIO. This is a non-blocking and buffer oriented IO API. Below are main differences between the NIO and IO in Java. IO NIO Stream oriented Buffer oriented Blocking IO Non-blocking IO N/A Using selector Stream oriented vs Buffer oriented The main difference is that IO is stream oriented where the data is read byte by byte and the data will not be buffered normally.This means there is no pointer to move forward and backward in the stream. I...

   JAVA,IO,NIO     2016-01-10 01:40:02

  A JS1K competition demo for 2012

JS1K is a website which hosts some competitions to attract geeks from the world to create  JS apps which are less than 1K (1024 bytes). The object of this competition is to create a cool JavaScript "application" no larger than 1k. Starting out as a joke, the first version ended with a serious amount of submissions, prizes and quality.Recently, I revised a previous project of mine and compressed it to 1018 bytes and submitted it. It is an analog clock. The code is shown below:w=c.width;h=c...

   JS1K,HTML5,Competition,Analog clock,Love     2012-03-13 12:17:40

  Beginners guide to Linux directory structure

Have you ever looked in your / directory, you’ll see a lot of directories. Here we are presenting beginners guide to linux directory structure explaining what they mean and what are the contents of these directories.Screenshot of contents of root directory: /This is called root partition. All files and directories start with root partition. Write privileges under this directory are avaible with root user only. Not to confuse it with root user’s home directory, know the ...

   Linux,File system structure,Beginner's guide     2012-04-20 12:19:32

  Are frameworks making developers dumb?

Last week I got to take interviews to hire senior java developers with around 5 years of experience. But after the interview process is over I felt like the frameworks makes developers life easier but at the same time making them dumb.Everyone puts almost all the new frameworks on their resume claiming they have "Strong, working experience on Spring, Hibernate, Web Services etc".Here is how the interviews went on.Me: You have used Spring in your latest project. What are the advant...

   Framework,Importance,Disadvantage,Easy     2011-09-06 08:10:08

  IBM Launches Maqetta HTML5 Tool as Open-Source

IBM announced Maqetta, an HTML5 authoring tool for building desktop and mobile user interfaces, and also announced the contribution of the open-source technology to the Dojo Foundation. LAS VEGAS – At the IBM Impact 2011 conference here, IBM announced both Maqetta as well as the open-source contribution of its Maqetta HTML5 visual authoring tool to the Dojo Foundation. Maqetta is an open-source project that provides WYSIWYG visual authoring of HTML5 user interfaces using drag-and-drop ass...

   IBM,Open Source,Dojo foundation,HTML 5,W     2011-04-12 01:59:29

  Who Uses PhoneGap/Apache Cordova?

The HTML5 Microzone is presented by DZone and Microsoft to bring you the most interesting and relevant content on emerging web standards.  Experience all that the HTML5 Microzone has to offer on our homepage and check out the cutting edge web development tutorials on Script Junkie, Build My Pinned Site, and the HTML5 DevCenter. I see questions and comments all the time with the general sentiment “it looks nice, but who really uses PhoneGap/Apach...

   PhoneGap,Apache,App,HTML5     2012-03-30 06:30:33

  Using MySQL Connector/C++ with Visual Studio 2010

MySQL Connector/C++ is one of the latest connectors for MySQL, developed by Sun Microsystems. The MySQL connector for C++ provides an object-oriented application programming interface (API) and a database driver for connecting C++ applications to the MySQL Server.When we want to build a database application with C++ using Visual Studio 2010, we may use the MySQL Connector/C++, but sometimes we may encounter different errors, either compile or runtime error. After tried many times, I finally made...

   MySQL Connector,C++,Visual Studio 2010,VS2010     2012-06-01 13:52:20

  Google may integrate Chrome OS and Android to build Google OS

A few days ago Google announced Andy Rubin would not in charge of Android anymore and Sundar Pichai would take over Andy Rubin's position. This triggers many guesses on the future direction of the Chrome OS and Android operating system.According to Digitimes, Google is likely to integrate the Chrome OS and Android to build an unified Google OS. But to challenge Windows in the global notebook market, this new system may be in a difficult time in next 1 or 2 years.Google and Acer have indicated b...

   Google OS,Sundar Pichai     2013-03-16 23:55:24

  OpenLDAP Proxy -- Introduction

OpenLDAP is an open source project which is intended to provide some commercial-grade, fully featured applications and development tools based on the well known Light-weight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP). Hence corporations which want to manage their user and group information can freely use these tools.  OpenLDAP provides ldap servers, ldap clients and corresponding tools to work on LDAP. The LDAP server is called slapd(Stand-alone LDAP  daemon). And it would serve as the server whi...