Turn on SecurityManager in Java

SecurityManager in Java is to check whether the application codes can access some restricted resource such as file, socket etc. This can be used in applications which have high security requirements. With this feature turned on, our system resources can be secured with only permitted operations. When JVM starts, it will first check whether the SecurityManager is on by checking the system property, if it's on, then an instance of SecurityManager will be created and it can be...

   SecurityManager,enable,program     2013-12-16 05:03:53

  Using Nlog Logging Framework With Vnext In Asp.Net

In this article, development company experts will brief you about asp.netVNext and its features. They will also explain how to use NLog Logging framework in Read this article and learn what they want you to understand. Overview of Asp.Net VNext The next level of Asp.Net after Asp.Net 5 is Asp.Net VNext. Currently, the code is run in Asp.Net with same CLR as that of desktop apps. There is a need for cloud optimized version of Asp.Net for getting higher throughput with lesser memo...


  Using C for a specialized data store

Pixenomics stores and transports 1.2 million pixels from the server to the client. During development we played with various methods to store and process this. Our ultimate goal was to send the entire board in under 1 second. During the stages of prototyping we used a MySQL database without thinking too much about performance. With a mere 2,000 pixels we quickly realised this wasn’t even usable as a demo. Changing the storage engine to memory was much better but still obviously unu...

   C,Data store,Efficiency,Performance     2012-03-07 05:09:38

  Java Concurrency Basics: CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier

CountDownLatch CountDownLatch can be used in synchronizing behavior among threads, it makes one or more threads wait for some actions in other threads to be completed. It has a property count which defines how many countDown() need to be called before other threads which called await() to be waked up.  When a thread calls CountDownLatch.await(), the thread will be blocked until the value of count becomes 0. The initial value of count can be specified when creating the CountDownLatch instanc...


  Fastjson just fixed a bug which might cause out of memory issue

Fastjson just fixed a bug which might cause service down a few days ago. This bug is caused by some mishandling of special character \x which is an escaped character to indicate hexdecimal number. The impact of this bug would be big if the attacker constructs a malicious data which would cause the service down.  The code which causes the issue is in, when a JSON string is passed in, fastjson would parse the string character by c...

   FASTJSON,ALIBABA,BUG,NEWS     2019-09-07 06:03:49

  A Programmer’s Greatest Enemy

A programmer’s greatest enemy is getting stuck. A crucial skill in programming—and one that many of my beginning game programming students lack—is the ability to recognize when they’re stuck, to get out of being stuck, and to avoid getting stuck in the first place.Indeed, it’s a skill I’m still learning myself, although the contexts in which I still get stuck are shrinking with time, study, and experience.This morning, as I downloaded crash reports ...

   Programming,Enemy,Stuck,Game design,Crash     2011-10-15 15:06:46

  Will We Need Teachers Or Algorithms?

Editor’s note: This is Part III of a guest post written by legendary Silicon Valley investor Vinod Khosla, the founder of Khosla Ventures. In Part I, he laid the groundwork by describing how artificial intelligence is a combination of human and computer capabilities In Part II, he discussed how software and mobile technologies can augment and even replace doctors. Now, in Part III, he talks about how technology will sweep through education. In my last post, I ...

   Teacher,Algorithm,Development     2012-01-16 10:17:45

  5 tips for selling your software company for maximum value

From the moment you start your software company, you should be developing an exit strategy. While you might have no plans to sell your business, things can go wrong, and you can find yourself in a position with no other option. In this case, having a plan to go to will make the entire process easier. If you do plan on selling, you should be constantly improving your exit strategy as your business evolves in order to ensure you sell your company for maximum value. Selling a software company can ...


  Will Google+ be a "Ghost City"

Just now, I read an article about Google+’s status quo. The key point of this article is that it states that Google+ is now a “Ghost City”. According to the article, users of Google+ spend only 3 minutes per month on Google+, this is a very low participation rate for a social network website. After reading this, I wonder whether Google+ is really a Ghost City now, I cannot give my answer. Since it was released just around 8 months ago, so the user base is not very large. ...

   Google+,Social fayigue,User base,Ghost City     2012-02-28 09:44:39

  Ruby WinRM undefined method `split' for nil:NilClass

WinRM service is a service provided by Windows to enable remote access a Windows system. It is similar to what SSH is for *nix. And it is frequently used in applications which want to automate process or accessing remote Windows system and perform actions on them. Ruby also provided the WinRM gem which is an implementation of the WinRM service.  When using WinRM gem, one may often want to use :negotiate as the transport protocol for authentication. This transport will negotiate using d...

   RUBY,WINRM,INIT_AUTH,PROXY     2017-03-08 02:21:09