
Golang已经开源了13年,在最近的TIOBE编程语言排名中,于2023年3月再次进入前十名,并比2022年底的排名上升了两个位置。 Go在2022年底提高了2个排名 许多第一次接触Go的开发者来自面向对象的编程语言,比如Java、Ruby等,他们在学习Go后第一个问题通常是:Go是一种面向对象的语言吗?在本文中,我们将探讨这个问题。 追溯 在广为人知的Go编程语言“圣经”《The Go Programming ...

   OOP,CHINESE,GOLANG,GO     2023-05-02 23:41:38

  LinkedIn is out of China and replaced with LinkedIn Jobs

The popular job searching site LinkedIn has come out a special version for China which is just offering job searching capabilities and messaging capabilities in the connections. The social media capability like news feeds and peoples activities are stripped out. Now if you are in China and open LinkedIn app, it will prompt you and ask you to download an app called LinkedIn Jobs. You will not be able to dismiss the dialog and you are forced to download the other app if you wanna continue to...


  Is Toutiao taking general content creators seirously?

Tiktok is now very popular among the Z-generation around the world. This is an app created by the Chinese company ByteDance. In China, the Chinese version of Tiktok called Douyin is not the only popular app created by ByteDance, there are a few other apps created by ByteDance are also popular such as Jinri Toutiao, a news app famous for its recommendation algorithm similar to Tiktok, also Huoshan Video, another video app similar to YouTube. This Toutiao app encourages general people to create co...


  Chinese Developers Release CEC-IDE, Claimed as First Independently Developed IDE

China witnessed the recent launch of a new IDE called CEC-IDE, which boldly claims to be the first IDE independently developed by Chinese developers. Initially, this release was anticipated to be a moment of pride for the country, as it marked the availability of a homegrown IDE. However, the situation quickly took an embarrassing turn, and the entire narrative soon became a subject of ridicule. It has come to light that the so-called independently developed IDE, CEC-IDE, is actually built upon ...

   CHINA,CECIDE,CEC-IDE     2023-08-27 00:43:31

  Google transferred a domain name to a Chinese company for free

Google just completed a domain transfer to another company in China. The interesting part is that this domain transfer is for free. The story begins with a recent tweet from the CEO Dash Huang of a Chinese game company called X.D. Network Inc who claims that they obtained the domain name from Google for free. From the tweet, Mr. Huang expressed his appreciation to Google for freely transferring the domain name to their company. Their company launched some product ...

   GOOGLE,TAPTAP.CN,TAPTAP     2021-09-29 11:17:18

  Jack Ma shows up in Bangkok


   JACK MA,ALIBABA,BANGKOK,TOKYO     2023-01-06 23:50:00