Jack Ma shows up in Bangkok

  sonic0002        2023-01-06 23:50:00       1,322        1         

Jack Ma, the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, was reported showing up in Bangkok recently. 

From a photo shared on Instagram by the famous Michelin star Jay Fai street food in Bangkok, Jack Ma appeared there. He was enjoying a meal and had the selfies with Jay Fai. 

Apart from this meal, Jack Ma also took some other tours in Bangkok, this included visiting the Rajadamnern Boxing Stadium where he reportedly had a seat in VIP and enjoyed a Muay Thai exhibition. He was also seen snapping pictures with staff. From the picture, Jack seemed ready to begin showing his power. 

He has disappeared from public eyes for quite sometime since 2020 where he delivered a speech which sparked the government concerns and also led to the pause of Ant Financial IPO. Recently he was reported relocated to Tokyo Japan as well.

Will all these recent show ups mean that Jack is coming back? Let's wait and see.





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