Google may integrate Chrome OS and Android to build Google OS

A few days ago Google announced Andy Rubin would not in charge of Android anymore and Sundar Pichai would take over Andy Rubin's position. This triggers many guesses on the future direction of the Chrome OS and Android operating system.According to Digitimes, Google is likely to integrate the Chrome OS and Android to build an unified Google OS. But to challenge Windows in the global notebook market, this new system may be in a difficult time in next 1 or 2 years.Google and Acer have indicated b...

   Google OS,Sundar Pichai     2013-03-16 23:55:24

  Why Microsoft chooses Alt+F4 to close a window

For a long time, there is a doubt among lots of Windows users especially those English speaking users, that is why Microsoft chooses Alt+F4 to close a window instead of Alt+Q. Alt+Q is more comfortable to press for many keyboards, also Q represents Quit and it is easier for people to understand. Recently Microsoft answered this doubt. Raymond Chen, longtime Microsoft developer and semi-official Windows historian, said the reason is that not everyone speaks English. It d...

   WINDOWS,MICROSOFT,HISTORY,ALT+F4     2016-02-23 09:56:41

  The Death Of The Spec

Earlier today, my colleague Matt Burns wrote a post noting that most tablet makers may be largely failing because they’ve sold their soul to Android and are now just in the middle of a spec war, which no one can win. I’m gonna go one step further in that line of thinking: the spec is dead.There have been a few key stories from the past couple of weeks that highlight this new reality. Barnes & Noble unveiled the new Nook Tablet. Consumer Reports looked at the...

   Specification,Android,Platform,Software design     2011-11-15 08:20:22

  PHP 7 is coming soon

After a few RCs, PHP 7 will be officially released on November 12, 2015. This is a major release of PHP since PHP 5.6. @Laruence, one of the core contributors of PHP, has posted this news on Weibo(China's Twitter).  This is a one month later than the expected time as recorded in PHP 7 timeline. But it's not that late. The new release will come with a few features including: Scalar type declaration, you can define variable like int now Return type support. Besides declare scalar type ...

   RELEASE DATE,PHP7     2015-11-08 09:13:37

  How to optimize MySQL insert statement

For a big data system, one problem is the data access efficiency, one more problem is that the data insertion is very slow. We had a service system, the data loading process would take 4-5 hours. This time consuming operation is risky since if the program is interrupted during the loading process, it might be rerun, this will be troublesome. So it's necessary to improve the insertion efficiency for big data systems. Here we provide two optimization suggestions. 1. Combine multiple insert stateme...

   MySQL,insert,optimization     2012-10-24 22:03:13

  HeartBleed: Should C be blamed for the HeartBleed bug?

There is a discussion about the security of applications written in C on Hacker News recently after the report of HeartBleed bug in OpenSSL. In this discussion, some people are saying that the applications written in C are unsafe. It seems all or most of the faults should be laid on C. I think this is biased. The language itself should not be blamed.Safety is a relative term for programming languages. No language is absolutely safe. We claim some languages like Java and C# are safer than C/C++ b...

   C,HeartBleed,Analysis,Code review     2014-04-14 03:52:55

  Top rules you can't afford to miss while developing a Magento website

A powerful and attractive website has become a vital necessity of every online entrepreneur. Whether its about boosting the inflow of customers or enhancing the overall profitability of your business, a good website can do all the hardwork. The growing demand and popularity of Magento development services has made online merchants switch to Magento for promoting their business products and services via the internet. As a website creator, it is absolutely essential for you to consider some basic...

   Magento development service, offshore Magento development, outsource Magento development, Magento de     2015-06-19 04:21:55

  What is the use of empty struct in GoLang

In Go, an empty struct struct{} is a struct with no fields that may appear to be of little use, but in reality, it can be useful in certain situations and become a simple and efficient solution in code. As a semaphore or lock Because the empty struct has no fields, it can be conveniently used to implement some concurrency control functions, such as mutex locks, read-write locks. We can use chan struct{} to implement an unbuffered channel for controlling concurrent access. package main import ( ...

   GOLANG,EMPTY STRUCT     2024-04-05 23:54:03

  Set up Superset on ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Apache Superset (incubating) is a modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application. Compared with business-focused BI tool like Tableau, superset is more technology-navy. It supports more types of visualization and able to work in distributed manner to boost the query performance. Most importantly, it is free of charge! An example dashboard: Let’s go and set it up. Create a virtualenv Assume Anaconda is installed for python management. # create a virtualenv with python 3.6 co...

   TUTORIAL,UBUNTU,SUPERSET     2019-10-19 21:34:55

  Why Apple Mac switches its CPU? The war between Intel and ARM

About three months ago, the new iPad Pro was released and it supports touch pad and mouse. It conveys a clear message to users that they want people to treat iPad Pro as a laptop.  As we know, iPad and iPhone are both using iOS, if iOS can run on laptop,  it means MacOS and iOS can merge and become a unified OS. And if Mac and iPhone can share the same OS, it means the same app can run in all places. It is becoming clearer and clearer that Apple is planning to do this exact thing. Late...

   APPLE,INTEL,ARM,WWDC,A14     2020-06-20 00:19:02