Sites to go if you want to learn web development

Before you start to do web development, either for a hobby or for your start up project, you should be prepared for learning many different technologies including both front end and back end. You may need to deal with UI design, business logic design, data store and infrastructure setup etc. This seems a very complex. Indeed, if you know where you should go, the  it's actually not so hard. Here are some sites you should go when you face issues while you are doing web development. These site...

   Web development,Resource,Site     2013-09-19 08:12:23

  Australian software engineer got asked algorithm question when entering US

The whole world knows that security and background checks get tighten for people to enter US since Donald Trump took office. But have you ever heard about getting algorithm question asked during the immigration check interview while entering United States? Recently an Australian software engineer David Thornton had such an experience when he tried to enter US. (Image from David is a software engineer from Sydney and he is a 24-year-old studied computer sci...

   NEWS,DONALD TRUMP,UNITED STATES     2017-03-04 12:07:54

  How to handle ES6 modules in NodeJS

In modern JavaScript, there are two types of modules: ES6 module and CommonJS module used by NodeJS. These two types of module are not compatible. Many people would wonder how to load ES6 modules in their NodeJS project. This post will show how this can be done. Difference The syntax of the module being loaded is different. CommonJS modules are loaded with require() and exported with module.exports. ES6 modules are loaded and exported using import and export respectively. Merchanismwise require(...

   NODEJS,COMMONJS,ES6     2020-08-28 22:01:33

  Go channel explained

In Go, a channel is a type of concurrent data structure that allows two or more goroutines (Go's term for lightweight threads) to communicate with each other. Channels provide a way for goroutines to send and receive values, and they are an essential part of Go's concurrency model. Here's a simple example that demonstrates how to use channels in Go: package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { // Create a new channel with the `make` function ch := make(chan int) // Start a new ...

   GOLANG,CHANNEL     2022-12-10 22:24:26

  Why cannot compare double values directly for equality?

A question in PHP: Get some value from the database and use floatval() to convert it to floatint point value, then compare it with another value which is also converted to floating point value with floatval(). These two values are the same when using var_dump() to output, the two outputs are float(8.87), they are the same. But when comparing them for equality, the result is weird., they are not equal. Why?To analyze this question, we need to start with PHP data types. PHP uses weak types. In PHP...

   PHP,floating, precision,compare,equality     2012-06-27 09:01:36

  Why I Hate Android

Why do I hate Android? It’s definitely one of the questions I get asked most often these days. And most of those that don’t ask probably assume it’s because I’m an iPhone guy. People see negative take after negative take about the operating system and label me as “unreasonable” or “biased” or worse. I should probably explain. Believe it or not, I actually don’t hate Android. That is to say, I don’t hate the concept of Androi...

   Android,Hate,Feature     2012-01-10 07:19:27

  Amazon is a good company but doesn't have the best business model

Public opinion about a company is usually based on its performance. If it performs well, people will praise it, otherwise people will blame it. In 1999, Apple was still a broken apple(Steve Jobs's talent and effort was paid off yet). Public opinion about Apple was the closed model caused Apple's failure. They built hardware themselves, developed software themselves and delivered service themselves, this is certainly not sustainable. But Steve Jobs let everyone see this new model. In order to con...

   Business model,Amazon,Apple, Microsoft     2013-07-02 11:34:45

  PaaS vs. SaaS: The Differences And How To Pick The Right Option

Platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) are two kinds of cloud computing products that enable businesses and their clients to deliver and use various services, respectively. Before diving into the differences between the two concepts, it’s important to take a step back and understand what a cloud service really is. Cloud computing primarily refers to large storage of data, programs, and operations that are accessible via the Internet and are not stored on a user&rsquo...

   CLOUD,PAAS,SAAS     2020-04-06 06:30:32

  Cool things you can do with iPhone

Nowadays smart phones have plenty of cool features you can get to know without reading the manuals. But do you know there are some useful but less well known features which can ease our life? In this post, we will share with you some cool features on iPhone. If you have an iPhone with, go and get a try. 1. Use Google Map as free GPS While traveling abroad, you can use Google Maps as a free GPS without an international data plan by making use of it's hidden offline maps feature.You can use this f...

   iPhone,Feature     2013-10-05 07:28:07

  5 tips for developing HTML5 mobile games

Previously at Creat Studios, Vivendi Games Mobile and JAMDAT, amongst others, Scott brings eighteen years of industry experience to MocoSpace. He heads the company's internal game studio.We've all witnessed the growth of mobile and social gaming over the past two years: the two genres have continued to evolve independently, while also coming together and embracing the power of HTML5.Mobile browser-based social games have found an audience and are thriving.This new gaming category draws from the ...

   HTML5,Mobile,Game design,Tips,Mobile dev     2011-09-05 08:15:09