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  Microsoft to lay off Zune

Recently we can see many news about Microsoft's Windows 8, Microsoft puts much effort to promote Windows 8.  A few days ago, Microsoft announced the death of Windows Live brand, instead they will integrate it into the Windows system. Also, Microsoft now plans to lay off its Zune and focus on XBox, let XBox be the main entertainment service of Microsoft. XBox can provide  music and videos, it can also let users play video games.Here is a part of Microsoft's announcement:This year, Xbox ...

   Windows 8,Zune,XBox,Microsoft,Layoff     2012-05-30 08:14:58

  Coding tricks of game developers

If you've got any real world programming experience then no doubt at some point you've had to resort to some quick and dirty fix to get a problem solved or a feature implemented while a deadline loomed large. Game developers often experience a horrific "crunch" (also known as a "death march"), which happens in the last few months of a project leading up to the game's release date. Failing to meet the deadline can often mean the project gets cancelled or even worse, you lose your job. So w...

   Tricks,Advice,Gamedesign,Plan     2012-02-12 04:50:30

  Bill Gates to return as Microsoft's white knight?

Summary: Could and should Bill Gates return to day-to-day responsibilities at Microsoft? Fortune is reporting there’s a rumor to that effect. Fortune reported on December 8 that there’s talk Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates might be mulling a comeback, largely to help boost Microsoft’s stagnant stock price and employee morale. I have to say I am very, very, very skeptical on this one. First, it seems this is a single-sourced report....

   Microsoft,Change,Bill Gates,Return,White Knight     2011-12-09 07:39:39

  Pinterest becomes the 3rd largest social network website in US

Digital marketing services company Experian Marketing Services's latest report shows the picture sharing website Pinterest has become the 3rd largest social network website in US following Facebook and Twitter. Its visits are more than LinkedIn and Google + now.Experian conducted a survey about social networking site visits in March,2012, the results show that visits of Facebook were more than 7 billion  Twitter got 182 million visits, Pinterest 104 million. However, the survey ...

   Pinterest,US,Facebook,Pin     2012-04-10 12:33:03

  Let Your Programmers Be Silly

6Share You’re in the middle of a crazy startup development sprint. Pressure is sky high as you might have to fire everyone if you don’t generate significant traction over the next 4 months. Make it or #fail situation. The guys (I wish we’d have girls but … wait we have a student, anyway) are killing tickets and you’re pretty much on the target you’ve set with your investors. Not comfortably confident but ok. And you catch your guys debating, f...

   Programmer,Style,Management,Work     2012-01-29 04:31:56

  Online Branding Tips for Small Businesses

Although an aspect ignored by many people who venture into the business sector, building a brand with a strong online presence may be one of the small details which can improve your performance significantly in the long run. Having said that, in this article, we’ll explore a few different online marketing and branding strategies and tips to help you build a stronger brand online.        #1 Build an identity When people hear about the name of your business, the...

   BRANDING,SOCIAL BUSINESS     2019-05-16 07:38:25

  Install multiple versions of Go

As a developer, there might be need in some cases to have multiple versions of Go installed. One may test out some new features of the latest version of Go but also wanna maintain a stable version of Go for daily development purpose. How to maintain multiple versions of Go? The GoLang official website has provided a way to maintain multiple versions of Go by using go get to install the different versions of Go. Below are steps: Download a normal version of Go and install it Go to the Go release...

   MULTIPLE VERSION,GO BINARY,GO VERSION     2021-05-16 02:01:46

  How to prevent next HeartBleed bug?

How to ensure the security of open source projects is a concern for many open source users including individual users and companies. But it's not an easy task to ensure the security of open source projects. Because everyone can see the source code, there is much higher possibility that a bug may be found by someone. Once a bug is disclosed, people may exploit it and do evil things, this may cause loss of money either for individuals or companies, some of the bugs may even have big impact to the...

   Open source,HeartBleed,Security     2014-04-24 09:07:05

  When Should Open Source Be Written Into Law?

As a systems administrator, I tend to think about source code and computing platform in large numbers. Computers however are getting smaller and more powerful, and the reality of computers that we put in or on our body as a normal daily routine is coming closer, and for many is already here. When our safety, our liberty, and our sense of humanity are tied to programmable devices, should we not only hope, but expect that we should have the right to examine how these devices function? Last ...

   Software,Open source,Time,Law     2012-01-28 07:23:09

  Dart is to JavaScript as C# is to C++

Given the background of Lars Bak, the Google engineer whose V8 JavaScript interpreter upended Firefox's claim on speed, it was reasonable to suspect Google's new Web development language might look a lot like Smalltalk. But that might have taken the Web in a strange and different direction. Today, on the day of a Web developers' conference in Denmark, Google and members of the Chromium open source development team raised the curtain on Dart, the company's bid for a new and somewhat more str...

   Dart,Google,JavaScript,Virtual Machine,Chromium     2011-10-21 08:40:09