Experian conducted a survey about social networking site visits in March,2012, the results show that visits of Facebook were more than 7 billion Twitter got 182 million visits, Pinterest 104 million. However, the survey does not include mobile traffic.
Pinterest's visits in March were more than LinkedIn, Google + MySpace, as well as Tumblr and other social networks. "Pinterest is really rising in rocket-speed," Experian, spokesman Matt Tatham said, "Since last October, Pinterest has begun to grow in the coming months, Pinterest's growth is amazing. Pinterest creates a new sharing method."
Pinterest's traffic rose by 50% from January to February 2012, Experian called it the most popular social media start-up companies after Facebook and YouTube. Internet traffic monitoring firm comScore data shows that Pinterest is the third fastest growing website in US in February. The number of unique visitors was 17.8 million in February, higher than 11.7 million in January.
Pinterest was released in March 2010. It allows users to pin photos and information on the Internet in a virtual board. In the past six months, it achieved rapid growth.
Source : http://tech.sina.com.cn/i/2012-04-10/06586932565.shtml