Yahoo is going to recycle inactive user IDs

According to Sina Tech, Yahoo announced that it would provide users with shorter, more lovely and more memorable Yahoo IDs starting from July 15. For IDs like, if they are in inactive status in the past 12 months, then other users will be able to get this ID. Yahoo plans to reset Yahoo ID system to help users get the ID they want in mid of July. By mid-August, users who apply for a Yahoo user ID will be informed what kind of ID they get.This means that users can apply multiple ID...

   Yahoo,ID recycle     2013-06-12 21:22:15

  Friday is my new Saturday

This term I've happened to have Friday off, but I'm suppose to teach on Saturday. I might sound slightly frustrating for 9to6 folks, but It's not uncommon for University teachers, when you have a lot of holes in your teaching schedule. However, i do a lot of research without weekends, but this is only because i do love it.Nevertheless, This simple shift of working days has made me way happier and relaxed. I don't know the reasons, but here are my observations about it: You can sleep more an...

   Life,Balance,Explore,Rest,Advice     2011-10-28 10:41:22

  The Tale Of Perfect Checkout Page & Magento Online Store

I bet you've already googled every bit of advice on how to win customers. You've installed and integrated bazillions of extensions and marketing tools, rewritten every piece of text on your site, redesigned and rebranded your Magento store. In case you're still wondering why clients keep coming and going away without purchasing your goods, this article is for you. I solemnly declare that every single piece of advice on leading a customer to buy from your online store, you've read so far is imper...

   magento, magento user experience, ecommerce, online business     2015-04-16 21:15:09

  Why making a cool project is a good idea for an aspiring software developer

As a software developer, I get to know a lot of other software developers. Many of the software developers I know are either running a startup, working as an early employee for a startup, doing contract jobs for a startup, or dreaming of one day starting a startup. My point is that software developers are very interested in startups, either starting them or working for them. My advice to anyone who’s interested in startups: Before you ever start a startup, try to make at least ...

   Innovation,New business,Start,Tip     2011-08-08 22:55:22

  Guide to Help Launch Your Startup Faster

You try, you fail you learn you succeed. It is not as easy as it seems to be because startup is not just an idea; it is a series of processes. Turning the idea into a profitable business and leading all the way through cannot be achieved overnight. An astounding 90% of startups fail to lift their business off the ground. While only a few manage to achieve success and survive for many years. The reason for failure is that most of the entrepreneurs do not know how to take business from start to e...


  Skype wins its position in Windows 8.1

According to The Verge, Skype finally wins its position in Windows 8.1 after acquired by Microsoft. Microsoft will drop the existing communications applications on existing Windows and replace it with Skype. Skype and Windows 8.1 will be more closely associated and this is what Microsoft expects. On Windows 8.1, users can still use Skype for voice or video calls even it's in lock screen mode.In February, Microsoft announced that Windows Live Messenger users would be forced to upgrade to Skype, ...

   Skype,Windows 8.1,Build 2013     2013-06-27 23:49:13

  Innovation Works CEO Kai-Fu Lee is diagnosed with cancer

Innovation Works CEO Kai-Fu Lee is diagnosed with lymph cancer. He posted one weibo(Chinese version of Tweet) which indicates that his health in a bad condition at 10:17pm on 5 September Beijing time.   Later Innovation Works spokesman Zhaohui Wang confirmed this news. And Mr Lee is currently receiving treatment following doctor's instructions. But now we still don't know how severe it is. Post Mr Lee's weibo, many Chinese netizens expressed their concerns for his health and wished hi...

   Kai-Fu Lee,Cancer,Innovation works     2013-09-05 10:57:39

  how to do online promotion to increase the traffic to your blog.

So many seo trics we can do to increase traffic to our blog, One of them is, by doing an online promotion. This trick is often done by the bloggers to increase traffic on their blogs.a very simple thing to do, but carry a big impact on traffic increases and the popularity of a blog on the internet. If you haven't already to do it for your blog, I think you should do it now, because it is more important than you are installing a lot of meta tags in your blogger.I have written some tips for doing ...

   Website,Promotion,SEO,Advice,Practice     2011-10-26 09:14:12


If you are anything like me, you've started more things than you have finished. We're innately curious about the things around us and inspired when we come across people who have mastered their trade. We see people create cool and beautiful things and think, "Man, that looks easy, if I put in a little time I can do that in no time." What follows is a few days or weeks of focused and dedicated learning. During this time we make some progress, but not much. In fact, the progress that we do ma...

   Work,Learning,Effort,Detail,Complexity     2011-10-25 10:27:28

  Everyone Can Write Tech Blogs

As a programmer, you’ve probably been told that writing tech blogs can offer a range of benefits. There's no shortage of articles encouraging you to start writing, and this post, this post adds to that chorus. But while the advice is solid, what’s often missing is how to begin the journey of writing tech blogs. Based on my 10+ years of experience, I’d like to share some thoughts to help you get started. From what I've seen, the reason many programmers don’t write tech blo...

   CAREER,RESUME,ADVICE,TECH BLOG     2024-09-08 04:00:52