Gemini Example with Go

  sonic0002        2024-12-14 19:37:23       1,346        2          English  简体中文  Tiếng Việt 

To connect and use Gemini with Go, Google's LLM, one can use their official Go SDK for doing this. In this post, we will just show a simple chat example to demonstrate how to make it work with Go.

The example is just to ask the model to translate some English to Chinese and get its output. The code actually looks like:

var client *genai.Client
// geminiOnce.Do(func() {
client, err = genai.NewClient(ctx, option.WithAPIKey(string(apiKey)))
if err != nil {

model := client.GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash-latest")
resp, err := model.GenerateContent(ctx, genai.Text("Translate 'Hello world' to Chinese"))
if err != nil {
	log.Printf("Error generating content: %v", err)
	return "", err

for _, candidate := range resp.Candidates {
	if candidate != nil {
		if candidate.Content.Parts != nil {
		     log.Printf("Output: %s", string(candidate.Content.Parts[0].(genai.Text)))

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of the provided code snippet:

1. Declare a Client Variable

var client *genai.Client
  • A pointer variable client of type *genai.Client is declared.
  • This variable will hold the initialized client instance for interacting with the genai service.

2. Initialize the Client

client, err = genai.NewClient(ctx, option.WithAPIKey(string(apiKey)))
if err != nil {
  • genai.NewClient(ctx, option.WithAPIKey(string(apiKey))):
    • Creates a new client instance using the genai library.
    • ctx: A context.Context is passed, enabling request cancellation or timeout control.
    • option.WithAPIKey(string(apiKey)): Specifies the API key for authenticating the client. The API key can be generated on Google AI Studio by creating a new project.
  • Error Handling:
    • If err is not nil, the program logs the error and exits using log.Fatal(err).

3. Choose a Generative Model

model := client.GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash-latest")
  • The GenerativeModel method of the client selects a specific model version to work with.
  • Here, the model is "gemini-1.5-flash-latest", which presumably is a generative AI model. There are other models available where 2.0 is the latest one in experiment phase.

4. Set Model Parameters

  • Sets the temperature of the model to 0.1.
  • Temperature controls the randomness of the output.
  • A lower temperature (e.g., 0.1) produces more deterministic results, while a higher temperature introduces more variation.

There are other parameters can be set as well by calling model.SetXXX(), such as output token length, 

5. Generate Content

resp, err := model.GenerateContent(ctx, genai.Text("Translate 'Hello world' to Chinese"))
if err != nil {
	log.Printf("Error generating content: %v", err)
	return "", err
  • GenerateContent(ctx, genai.Text(...)):
    • Sends a generation request to the model with the input "Translate 'Hello world' to Chinese".
    • The input is wrapped in genai.Text. A kind of general text handling, it also supports other types like Blob(Image), FunctionCall,

6. Process the Response

for _, candidate := range resp.Candidates {
	if candidate != nil {
		if candidate.Content.Parts != nil {
		     log.Printf("Output: %s", string(candidate.Content.Parts[0].(genai.Text)))
  • Iterate Through Candidates:
    • resp.Candidates contains possible outputs from the model. The number of candidates can be set at step 4 with model.SetCandidateCount(). The default is 1 and currently it only supports 1 as well.
    • The loop processes each candidate in the response.
  • Since the context was a text chat, hence here the output is also kind of genai.Text. We need to convert the Part to a genai.Text type as originally it is an interface.

With above, you should be able to dive into the vast other features of the SDK and the Gemini model offers.





Anonymous [Reply]@ 2024-12-23 05:14:18

Where the ctx comming from? (cwl)

Ke Pi [Reply]@ 2024-12-23 06:09:26

you can just create one or pass from your request if you have one already.

To create one, can just do:

ctx := context.Background()


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