Google search now highlights search text in target link page

  sonic0002        2020-06-13 06:09:38       1,246        0         

It seems Google is slowly releasing a new feature to highlight search text when user opens a matching search result link through its search engine. 

Now for example if you type something in the Google search bar, you will see normal search results.

But when you click the link, e.g, the first search result to Stackoverflow, you will see something like below after the link is opened.

The searched text is highlighted and the page automatically scrolls to the position where the search text appears. 

This change is to enable users to find what s/he wants to search quickly and hence improve the efficiency in some cases. To end user, this is a pretty interesting feature as people no need to search through the target link content to find what s/he may want to look for. 

However this may pose some challenges to the advertisers as it means people may not get the chance to scam the ads while scrolling the page content. It may cause potential financial loss to both the target websites and also the advertisers.

This feature was tested on AMP pages since 2018 and started to have wider rollout on standard HTML pages since this May according to Danny Sullivan from Google.

More details about this feature can be found on Google's website.





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