Do you still remember things you saw around you as a kid

  sonic0002        2013-11-25 08:58:58       22,235        0         

I believe we all have unforgettable childhood, we might see many weird stuff around us and had deep impression about some cool stuff. Some of the old stuff may extinct now but every time when we saw an item rare to be seen, the old memories may flush into our brain immediately and we would be excited about it. Can you still remember things around you as a kid? Here are some of them, if you were born at 80's or 90's, you may be familiar with these.

1. Windows 95 and Windows 98

We could see these in computer labs, but at that time, what we learned on the class were typing and playing built in Windows games.

2. The famous Brick Game.

Still remember a group of kids gathering around you and watching you to play the Tetris?

3. BENSIA Pencil

Can't even remember the name of this kind of pencil now. But it was very popular when we were at primary schools because they were replaceable and more importantly we no need to sharpen a pencil ourselves.

4. Audio Cassette

Have you tried to take out the tapes inside the cassette and mess them up? Or have you tried to use a tooth brush to roll the inner gear of the cassette? I did these before. But we rarely see them now because of the popularity of online music and CDs.

5. Mauser Gun

When at festival season, all kids were in holidays and they gathered around and bought these kinds of plastic guns and plastic bullets. Then all the kids were split into different teams and chase each other. That was full of fun.

6. Magic rings

I bet you spent much time on playing this before. Are you excited to see this again? Even it's just an image.

7. White rabbit candy

The favorite candy when I was a child. But it was said it contained trace amounts of melamine and was banned in some countries. But I can still find it in some places.






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