Does Android team like to eat Kitkat?

  sonic0002        2013-09-03 23:03:03       4,932        0         

Google released the new Android development code for Android 4.4 :KitKat.The new version will bring astonishing user experience for Android users.

The interesting thing about the name is that it has the same name as one brand of Nescafe's chocolate wafer. Nescafe has authorized that Google can use this name as their development code. We may guess that the project team or the director was eating Kitkat or like to eat Kitkat while they were brainstorming the new development code, so they came out this one for the new version.

Let's look back the previous development codes of Android.

  • 1.0:Android
  • 1.5:Cupcake
  • 1.6:Donut
  • 2.0/2.1:Eclair
  • 2.2:Froyo
  • 2.3/2.4:Gingerbread
  • 3.0/3.1:Honeycomb
  • 4.0:Ice Cream Sandwich
  • 4.1/4.2/4.3:Jelly Bean
  • 4.4:KitKat

Below is the announcement of Google:

Android KitKatPrepare for a sweet new treat

Android is the operating system that powers over 1 billion smartphones and tablets. Since these devices make our lives so sweet, each Android version is named after a dessert: Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, and Jelly Bean. As everybody finds it difficult to stay away from chocolate we decided to name the next version of Android after one of our favorite chocolate treats, Kitkat®!


It may be because when one Google engineer or the project director was eating Kitkat while he was thinking about the new development code.





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