Pinterest becomes the 3rd largest social network website in US

  Xiao Ming        2012-04-10 12:33:03       6,542        1         

Digital marketing services company Experian Marketing Services's latest report shows the picture sharing website Pinterest has become the 3rd largest social network website in US following Facebook and Twitter. Its visits are more than LinkedIn and Google + now.

Experian conducted a survey about social networking site visits in March,2012, the results show
that visits of Facebook were more than 7 billion  Twitter got 182 million visits, Pinterest 104 million. However, the survey does not include mobile traffic.

Pinterest's visits in March were more than LinkedIn, Google + MySpace, as well as Tumblr and other social networks. "Pinterest is really rising in rocket-speed," Experian, spokesman Matt Tatham said, "Since last October,
Pinterest has begun to grow in the coming months, Pinterest's growth is amazing. Pinterest creates a new sharing method."

Pinterest's traffic rose by 50% from January to February 2012, Experian called it the most popular social media start-up companies after
Facebook and YouTube. Internet traffic monitoring firm comScore data shows that Pinterest is the third fastest growing website in US in February. The number of unique visitors was 17.8 million in February, higher than 11.7 million in January.

Pinterest was released in March 2010. It allows users to pin photos and information on the Internet in a virtual board. In the past six months, it achieved rapid growth.

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RDuck [Reply]@ 2012-04-10 18:34:43
I know that a lot of hype is around Instagram right now given their acquisition by Facebook, but Pinterest is much more suited to be a bigtime competitor in the marketplace given that they appeal to a large segment of the population that doesn't go out of their way to be early adopters of web apps. What's very interesting though is that Google is ranked lower than all of these companies. I think that history will show that Google really screwed up Google+ by trying to clone Facebook. A clone of a popular social site without any users is worthless. Google probably should have tried several different smaller approaches with smaller teams and tried to find something that people liked rather than simply try and copy Facebook's success. We all know that Google wanted to duplicate Facebook's success to try and get access to all of this social data for their search experience. And between all of the big brands trying to promote their Facebook pages even in TV ads, the sheer number of companies listed at that do nothing other than promote business pages, and the way that the market is reacting to Facebook's IPO, we know that they're getting significant traction that Google wants to emulate. Even though it will take years, I think Pinterest has got a shot of being the solid #2 to Facebook rather than Google+ just because they're offering a different experience. If all Google+ can offer is a Facebook clone that doesn't have active users, then there's no incentive really created for people to flock to it. I could be wrong, but I see Pinterest taking off and Google+ being largely left behind here.


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