Crazy! 618 million daily active users on Facebook

  sonic0002        2013-01-31 03:13:06       4,394        0         

Facebook released 2012 Q4 financial report. Facebook total revenue in the fourth quarter of 2012 is $1.585 billion, an increase of 40% over the same period last year, about 23% of the total revenue are from mobile advertising. Net profit is $64 million, down 79% over the same period last year.Now Facebook monthly active users reach 10.6 million, daily active users reach 618 million. The daily active users from mobile are more than the daily active users from desktop side the first time.

In the entire 2012 fiscal year, Facebook's total revenue was $5.089 billion, a net profit of $538 million. Facebook's share price is around $31.24, the company's overall market value is $67.679 billion, holdings of cash and marketable securities accounted for $9.63 billion.

Facebook's performance in the fourth quarter was higher than analysts' expectations, especially in mobile advertising revenue which accounts for about 23% of the total revenue. The potential of mobile advertising begins to emerge. Zuckerberg thinks that mobile Internet allows Facebook to reach more users, if these users have higher level of participation, then they can gain more profit on those users. Mobile Internet creates a more dynamic industrial chain . "

Zuckerberg said Facebook connected more than 1 billion users together and became a mobile company in 2013, He also said that Facebook had good momentum in 2013 and would continue to invest in order to complete their task to become a more powerful, more valuable company.

It's crazy that Facebook has a daily active users of 618 million. This brings great poetential if they can keep these users around Facebook.

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