SEARCH KEYWORD -- whiteboard test

  Python Patterns - An Optimization Anecdote

The other day, a friend asked me a seemingly simple question: what's the best way to convert a list of integers into a string, presuming that the integers are ASCII values. For instance, the list [97, 98, 99] should be converted to the string 'abc'. Let's assume we want to write a function to do this. The first version I came up with was totally straightforward: def f1(list): string = "" for item in list: string = string + chr(item) return string ...

   Python,Optimization,Anecdote,Loopup,ASCII     2011-12-18 10:52:49

  How to Stream Your PC Games to Android with Steam Link

If you are a PC gamer who is in a hurry to compete, Steam Link is looking for a possible answer. With this on your Android phone, you can play games on your phone with your computer. What is steam link? Basically, steam link is a perspective of streaming your steam library in other gadgets. The first steam link is a physical set of the best box you share with your TV, and after using its gaming PC after playing the Fate Grand Order game in your TV. The steam link application is another Andr...

   PC GAMES TO ANDROID WITH STEAM LINK     2018-06-03 05:04:33

  Mutli-inheritance bug between python 2.7 and 3.7

When we have run a py3.7 code under py2.x or a py2.x code under 3.x ,if a class do mutli-inheritance from 2 parent and the 2 parents also got inheritance from same parent, the different way to handle inheritance chain between python 2 and 3 will cause some running time bug: Assume we got this sample program : # Purpose: Test mutli-inheritance different between python2 and 3 # Author: Yuancheng Liu # Created: 2019/05/16 class A: def getVal(self): print("cal...

   PYTHON,PYTHON 3,INHERITANCE     2019-05-16 08:33:52

  The ‘Edge’ in Developing for Android Devices

In today’s times, the consumer is spoiled for choice with the number of options they have with respect to owning mobile device hardware and their operating systems. This diverse availability raises a critical question for both independent developers as well as large app development companies as to which platform to target. Although for larger app development companies, it is possible to simultaneously develop for multiple platforms, it might not be the case for small-scale enterprises. In...

   Android App Development Company, Web Application Development Company, Android App Developers, Web De     2015-08-07 05:36:11

  File upload in PHP

File is a special kind of form data, when being uploaded to the server through HTTP POST request, PHP will create a $_FILES global array, the relevant file information will be stored in this global array. We will illustrate file upload with some code snippets using PHP and look into the internal work mechanism. Lastly will talk about file upload security. File upload In order for users to upload files in client side, we have to provide a form on the user interface. Since the uploaded file is a s...

   File upload,PHP     2012-11-30 22:01:28

  Scala feels like EJB 2, and other thoughts

At Devoxx last week I used the phrase "Scala feels like EJB 2 to me". What was on my mind?ScalaFor a number of years on this blog I've been mentioning a desire to write a post about Scala. Writing such a post is not easy, because anyone who has been paying attention to anti-Scala blog posts will know that writing one is a sure fire way of getting flamed. The Scala community is not tolerant of dissent.But ultimately, I felt that it was important for me to speak out and express my opinions. As I s...

   Scala,Module,EJB,Concurrency,Feature     2011-11-22 08:29:44

  Popular Golang JSON libraries evaluation

JSON (Javascript Object Notation), a prevailing data exchange format, is widely used in various platforms and languages. Golang, of course, will never miss the support for JSON. And with its own standard library, such as those interfaces like the REST API from the API Service in Kubernetes, it can easily process JSON. Although Go’s library works great, we can still seek those open-source JSON libs in Github to maximize our efficiency. Then the features, performance, applicability of these ...


  Learn from Haskell - Functional, Reusable JavaScript

Learn You a Haskell: For Great Good? For the last couple months I have been learning Haskell. Because there are so many unfamiliar concepts, it feels like learning to program all over again. At i.TV, we write a lot of JavaScript (node.js and front end). While many functional/haskell paradigms don’t translate, there are a few techniques that JS can benefit from. There are Haskell library functions for everything. At first I thought this was just because it was mature, but then I notice...

   JavaScript,Haskell,Functional,Reusability,Feature     2012-02-21 05:30:51

  Thoughts on Running an Open Source Project

I spoke in the unconference at PHPUK last week, on running an open source project. I thought I would collect together my thoughts into one place before I lose the scratty piece of paper I wrote them down on. I'm not sure I'm the right person to be giving advice exactly, but these are the things that, having been project lead on for a while, I think are important. Community I love it when people share their code, just make something and publish it, but to my mind it isn't an open...

   Open source,Management,Readme,Community     2012-03-06 05:25:27

  CSS3 & HTML5 Support in Browsers

Last week we launched, a simple app which reveals your browsers' support for CSS3 and HTML5 features in an easy to read format using Modernizr.We've had a great response and we're going to be implementing some of your feedbackin the near future.UPDATE: Check out our Web Designers' HTML5 & CSS3 ChecklistFor now though I thought people mind find it useful to know the state of support in the current browser market.  I've taken all the A-Gra...

   CSS,HTML5,Web browser,Support     2011-05-14 11:26:45