SEARCH KEYWORD -- programming language

  Something you should know about programming even if you are not a programmer

Out daily life are deeply affected by software and web. More and more people are realizing the importance of software, For example, you want to travel to Brazil for the world cup, right? You should first book the ticket online, when you book the ticket, you should pay for the ticket with your credit card, after successfully booking your ticket, you will get a e-ticket in your mailbox. When you arrive at the airport, your identity information will checked against the immigration database system, ...

   Programming,Programmer     2014-06-11 10:06:40

  HeartBleed: Should C be blamed for the HeartBleed bug?

There is a discussion about the security of applications written in C on Hacker News recently after the report of HeartBleed bug in OpenSSL. In this discussion, some people are saying that the applications written in C are unsafe. It seems all or most of the faults should be laid on C. I think this is biased. The language itself should not be blamed.Safety is a relative term for programming languages. No language is absolutely safe. We claim some languages like Java and C# are safer than C/C++ b...

   C,HeartBleed,Analysis,Code review     2014-04-14 03:52:55

  Useful functions to provide secure PHP application

Security is a very important aspect of programming. There are many functions or modules in any kind of real programming language providing security functionalities  In modern websites, we may often get inputs form users all around the world.There is a famous saying which says that never trust user input. So in web programming languages, we will often see functions which will guarantee the security of the data input from users. Today we will cover some of these functions in the most famous o...

   PHP,security,SQL Injection,XSS,AJAX     2014-10-30 04:21:59

  10gen provides free training courses for MongoDB

MongoDB is an open source document oriented database, developed with C++, it is to solve some real problems existing among development communities. In October 2007, MongoDB development began at 10gen, in 2009, MongoDB was open sourced as a standalone product. 10gen provides technical support, training and consultancy service. According to 10gen education, 10gen will provide some training courses for MongoDB starting from 22 October, 2012. Now it's available for registration. There are two cours...

   MongoDB,10gen,training,course,free     2012-09-20 22:51:43

  Error handling in GoLang

Error handling is one of the must talked topics for any programming language. The program would be more reliable and stable if errors are handled properly and timely. Each programming language has its own way to handle error, this applies to GoLang as well. This post will discuss more about GoLang's error handling mechanism. Error handling Before talking more about GoLang's error handling, we can see how different programming languages are handling errors. C's error check The most direct way of ...


  Is Java the platform of the future?

I've mentioned before, but I think we are living in a period of time where a bigger explosion of programming languages is occurring than at any time in the past four decades. Having lived through a number of the classic languages such as BASIC, Simula, Pascal, Lisp, Prolog, C, C++ and Java, I can understand why people are fascinated with developing new ones: whether it's compiled versus interpreted, procedural versus functional, languages optimised for web development or embedded devices,...

   Java,Platform,Future     2012-04-03 12:59:52

  The Role of Coding Skills in Advancing Tech Careers

In the fast-changing technical landscape of today, coding is not a unique advantage; it's a basic necessity. From a software engineer to a data analyst or digital marketer, being able to code will greatly expand the opportunities one has for their careers and how effective they can be in their jobs. This essay discusses how coding skills help one's career in the tech field and gives the basic concept of coding: objects, a building block for any modern programming language. 1. Creates Employment ...

   CODING,OOP,OBJECT     2024-05-04 14:27:42

  C++ : string beginWith and endWith

C++ is an very powerful programming language. It is efficient and flexible. When writing C++ programs, we may often need to process strings and often we need to check whether a string begin with some substring or end with some substring. We can use following functions to ahieve these:     static bool beginWith(const std::string str,const std::string needle){        return (!,needle.length(),needle));    }    ...

   C++,beginWith,endWith,     2012-08-31 06:53:44

  A small trick on using console.log to print data in JavaScript

When debugging JavaScript application, one may frequently use console.log to print data so that it is easy to debug when issue occurs and also helps on understand the data flow. The common way of printing a variable would be something like.  let user = { name: "test" }; console.log(user); In this case it will print: { name: 'test' } This is OK when there is no much logging or the program is not complicated. But it becomes difficult to debug if there are lots of variables to be printed ...

   JAVASCRIPT,CONSOLE.LOG,DEBUGGING     2019-09-03 10:24:24

  Java Then, Java Now - Looking at the evolution of Java from EE7 to EE9

Java, the programming language developed at Sun Microsystems in the 90s and later acquired by Oracle, is the most common programming environment used today, by developers across the globe. With the diversification of applicability that accompanied the technological boom, Java updates now come as Standard Editions (SE), Enterprise Edition (EE) and Micro Edition (ME). The Java SE contains the core programming logic and platform, used for relatively smaller-scale tasks and academic purposes. Java E...

   JAVA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY     2017-07-05 01:09:28