SEARCH KEYWORD -- long process

  Mastering Go Channels: How to Build Concurrent Applications Like a Pro

Introduction In the world of concurrent programming, Go channels have quickly become a popular tool for building fast and efficient applications. Utilizing channels can help you take full advantage of the power of Go's lightweight threads, or goroutines, and enable you to easily and effectively manage data sharing and synchronization. In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of Go channels and show you how to build concurrent applications like a pro. Understanding Go Channels To start, le...

   GOLANG,CHANNEL,CONCURRENCY     2023-04-21 14:47:47

  The ugliest C feature:

<tgmath.h> is a header provided by the standard C library, introduced in C99 to allow easier porting of Fortran numerical software to C. Fortran, unlike C, provides “intrinsic functions”, which are a part of the language and behave more like operators. While ordinary (“external”) functions behave similarly to C functions with respect to types (the types of arguments and parameters must match and the restult type is fixed), intrinsic functions accept arguments of...

   C,,Fortran,Intrinsic functions,C99,Ugly     2011-12-26 08:33:27

  Productivity is just work

The other day, I wrote a post declaring that I will no longer try to increase my productivity. This doesn't mean I won't read productivity blogs, and tweak things, and manage my "system". It means I no longer think about any of that stuff as having anything to do with productivity. Productivity is what happens when you're doing work. Enhancing your productivity is what happens when you do a lot of work, for long enough to get better at it. Look, throw all your stuff in Dropbox, live yo...

   Productivity,Work,Enhancement     2012-01-05 08:18:36

  ICO Checklist: How to Launch a Successful Initial Coin Offering

Amongst the many important things that took place in Blockchain industry in 2017, Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) may be considered as the most important of all. ICO helps business/idea owners to pre-sell access to their services or products and in a way to fund the development of those services or products. To help founders/ startups define an effective launch process and provide perspective on everything that they will need on their ICO journey, we have jotted down few points which will serve as...


  My frequently used Linux commands

In our day to day work. We may have many chances working on Linux/Unix systems. There are many things we may need to do, checking logs, navigating in directories, creating file or installing software. We may use many commands to complete the work, such as ls, mkdir, cd etc. Below are my frequently used Linux commands or programs recently: pwd : print working directory, sometimes I need to check which working directory I am in in order to know where to go next. ls : List current directory files,...

   Linux,Command,Program     2012-08-16 15:09:42

  Seven Ways to Boost Employee Morale

Do your employees drag themselves into work? Is office laughter a vague memory? Your employees' morale may need a boost.After all, low morale can lead to poor cooperation, low productivity and increased turnover -- and ultimately hinder a business from reaching its goals.Since employee morale can quickly build or break a company's success, effective leaders often keep a close eye on it and enlist simple and creative approaches to strengthen it. Here a few tactics to think about adapting for your...

   Employee,Working, active,Attitute,Passion,Encouragement     2011-10-09 07:37:36

  How I explained MapReduce to my Wife?

Yesterday I gave a presentation at Xebia India office on MapReduce. It really went well and audience was able to understand the concept of MapReduce (as per their feedback). So, I was happy that I did a good job in explaining MapReduce concept to a technical audience (mainly Java programmer, some Flex programmer and few testers). After all the hard work and a great dinner at Xebia India office I reached back my home. My wife (Supriya) asked me “How was your session on …â...

   Java,MapReduce,Java Flex     2011-08-28 04:22:53

  4 asynchronous programming methods in JavaScript

You may know the execution environment of JavaScript is single threaded. The so called single thread means only one task can be running at any time, if there are many tasks, they need to be in a queue and wait for the previous task to be completed. The advantage of this mode is it's easy to implement and the execution environment is relative simple; the disadvantage is that if one task takes long time, the tasks following it must wait in the queue and this will delay other tasks consequently. Th...


  Use of log in programming

Usually, The purposes of log are for troubleshooting and displaying program running status. Good log will help us locate the error easier. Many programmers think log in programs is very simple, but it's not an easy task to write log codes to efficiently locate the error. Here we discuss about program log in three aspects: Where to log What to log Log styles to be avoided Where to log 1. When calling external functions When your program is calling some external functions which are not written b...

   Log, Programming,Debug     2012-11-28 11:42:23

  How to Find User Participants To Test Your Project

Image Source: Unsplash Recruiting the right participants is important to test your projects properly, but it's essential that your research participants are able to represent your target group, or the results won't translate into something you can use. Since recruiting for specific criteria can be time-consuming, follow these considerations that should make getting these types of user participants easier.  Sharply Define Recruitment Topic Criteria There needs to be a required criteria befo...