SEARCH KEYWORD -- in-app purchase service

  Write Scalable, Server-side JavaScript Applications with Node.js

If you live in the Silicon Valley area, you have already heard the buzz: Node.js is being hailed as the next big thing. It’s the silver bullet that offers scale, eases development, and can be leveraged by the vast pool of client-side JavaScript developers. So, what exactly is Node.js?Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment that uses an asynchronous event-driven model. It is based on Google's V8 JavaScript engine plus several built-in libraries. The excitement around Node.js is tha...

   Node.js,Server side,Scalable,JavaScript app     2012-03-29 13:50:50

  What's on your Learning List?

How do you track and decide what topics you want to spend time learning? For a while, I didn’t have a real good solution. Something would trigger me to remember “Oh yeah! I really wanted to learn more about that”. I would spend the evening doing busy learning - it seemed like I was learning but I really wasn’t. Instead of trying to do Deliberate Practice, I’d fool myself into thinking I was investing my time wisely by reading blog posts and examples but no...

   Learning list,Conscious,Study,Programming     2011-12-05 12:44:39

  Tencent CEO : Mobile social gaming will be the profit breakthrough point of WeChat

Tencent CEO Ma Huateng said mobile social gaming would be one of the biggest light spot and also the profit profit breakthrough point of WeChat.Mr. Ma thinks that the principle of public accounts of WeChat is very simple, In the early period of QQ, users could also send messages and feedback, the reason why WeChat is so charming is because the phone has audio and video capabilities, this is very different from the text on the PC. Public account service providers can send voice passages to users ...

   Tencent,WeChat,GMIC     2013-05-07 07:27:23

  What we still can’t do client-side

With the rise of all these APIs and the browser race to implement them, you’d think that currently we can do pretty much everything in JavaScript and even if we currently can’t due to browser support issues, we will once the specs are implemented. Unfortunately, that’s not true. There are still things we can’t do, and there’s no specification to address them at the time of this writing and no way to do them with the APIs we already have (or if there is a ...

   Chanllenge,Client side,Server side     2012-01-10 07:22:31

  Native Client Brings Sandboxed Native Code to Chrome Web Store Apps

Wouldn’t it be great if you could create web apps using your existing C and C++ code? Native Client lets you do just that, and it is now enabled for Chrome Web Store apps in Google Chrome’s beta channel. Native Client apps live on the web platform, so you don’t need to create separate versions of your app for each operating system. Rather than relying on OS-specific APIs, Native Client apps use Pepper, a set of interfaces that provide C and C++ bindings to the capabilities o...

   C++,Web application,Native Client,Useful     2011-08-24 02:23:03

  Why Outsourcing .Net Services is a Growing Trend?

IT companies are focusing more on .net for application development. This is because; the .net platform empowers developers with a wide range of tools and libraries to create diverse applications in an easy and efficient manner. The dot net framework allows users i.e. developers, to design and develop applications that can interact with web services and a range of online devices. .Net programming language is richer than others in many contexts. It has several objects oriented features like proper...

   dot net services, outsourcing, .net, framework     2014-10-23 22:30:43

  Alibaba launches NASA program

On March 9, the China E-Commerce giant Alibaba held its first internal tech conference in its headquarter Hangzhou. During this conference, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder, announced a new program code named "NASA" which aims to build up technologies serving 2 billion people in next 20 years by forming independent and powerful R&D department. On March 13, Alibaba formerly announced this program to the public. The research area of this program would include machine learning, chi...

   ALIBABA,NASA,CHINA,NEWS     2017-03-13 11:32:22

  Spurring the Consumer Feedback Loop with Connected Devices

In a press release from earlier this year, Gartner had predicted that by the year 2018 mobile devices would account for initiating 5% of consumer services cases, registering a marginal rise of 0.02% from 2014. Research shows that most businesses lose around a whopping $83 billion owing to poor consumer services (Source: kissmetrics) in the US alone while globally, the average cost of losing a consumer is $243. It is only viable to think of automating support services as a way to lower the costs ...

   Big Data Analytics Solutions, Loyalty Programs for Customers     2015-08-18 07:11:35

  Install and setup Kafka on Windows

Kafka has become a very popular distributed message delivery service which decouples different services while making message delivery between service easy, fast and reliable. In this post, we will walk through how to install and set up Kafka on Windows. Pre-requisite Java Apache ZooKeeper Installation Go to Kafka's download link and download the latest stable release, we downloaded 2.2.0 as of this writing. After downloading, copy the installation file to some folder and unzip it.  Sinc...

   KAFKA,STREAM,USER GUIDE     2019-06-01 02:12:07

  Slow Datagridview... Oh No!

So we all have been here, I had finished a project using VS2008, implementing  Datagridviews on litterally each and every form of the system. This had been a requirement from the onset as to ensure easy searching,navigation and capturing of data. So the data capture ladies start doing their thing and low and behold the dreaded call... they are unhappy with the speed of the DataGridView. I had to agree with them, the repaint of the and overall perfromance of the grid is ...

   C#,DataGridView,Slow,Solution     2012-02-07 07:12:26