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  Programming Achievements: How to Level Up as a Developer

How does a good developer become a great developer?Forget greatness for a moment: How does a decent developer become a good developer?There is no definitive path from Step 1 to Step n. Heck, it's not even clear what Step n is. And as logically-minded developer types, the lack of a well-defined route can make for a daunting journey from novice to master.I've spent a fair bit of time over the last few years bumping up against this conundrum. What's next? How do I go from being a goo...

   Good developer,Great developer,Comparison,Knowledge,Skill,Platform     2011-11-09 02:12:58

  Ruby WinRM undefined method `split' for nil:NilClass

WinRM service is a service provided by Windows to enable remote access a Windows system. It is similar to what SSH is for *nix. And it is frequently used in applications which want to automate process or accessing remote Windows system and perform actions on them. Ruby also provided the WinRM gem which is an implementation of the WinRM service.  When using WinRM gem, one may often want to use :negotiate as the transport protocol for authentication. This transport will negotiate using d...

   RUBY,WINRM,INIT_AUTH,PROXY     2017-03-08 02:21:09

  7 misunderstandings of DNS resolution

DNS resolution is generally considered as providing mapping between domain name and IP address, for example maps to There are two important reasons for doing DNS resolution: IP address is hard to remember, while domain name is human friendly Virtual host may access different contents according to the header of the host domain name(sub-domain name) Some webmasters may have some unreasonable requirements when doing DNS resolution. It mainly because they are not very...

   DNS resolution,misunderstanding     2012-10-20 12:57:16

  A Programmer’s Greatest Enemy

A programmer’s greatest enemy is getting stuck. A crucial skill in programming—and one that many of my beginning game programming students lack—is the ability to recognize when they’re stuck, to get out of being stuck, and to avoid getting stuck in the first place.Indeed, it’s a skill I’m still learning myself, although the contexts in which I still get stuck are shrinking with time, study, and experience.This morning, as I downloaded crash reports ...

   Programming,Enemy,Stuck,Game design,Crash     2011-10-15 15:06:46

  Fix 'this authentication plugin is not supported' issue while using Go to connect MySQL 8

MySQL 8 has changed its default authentication plugin from mysql_native_password to caching_sha2_password to improve its security. However many third party libraries seem act slowly to catch up with this change. This causes some compatible issues with their connection to MySQL. One of the issues is seen in Go libraries while it's trying to connect to MySQL 8. The specific error has been observed is "this authentication plugin is not supported". The root cause of this issue is that the go-sq...

   MYSQL,GO,MYSQL 8,AUTHENTICATION PLUGIN     2018-07-11 08:55:02

  Convert JKS to BKS using keytool

There are lots of questions(question 1, question 2) on Stackoverflow about how to convert JKS keystore to BKS keystore(a keystore format provided by BouncyCastle) using Java keytool.  The reason why this conversion gets lots of questions is that BKS is not a keystore format supported by Java SE, it's a third party keystore format. To convert JSK to BKS, the BKS provider has to be downloaded first. And a few more options needs to be added when running the keytool command. The typical co...

   JKS,BKS,KEYTOOL,JAVA,SECURITY     2016-07-14 03:49:52

  5 Great Hacks to Learn Before Launching a Startup

Maybe months or years have gone planning for a startup and finally you are ready to enter into the world of small business.  Excited enough to hit the “Launch” button. As the bulk of your business is good, so the rest of it must be the same. You think like that, right? But hey, you are wrong there. You may be selling the next big thing, but it does not matter until you have frozen your brand name in the niche market and gained a decent amount of credibility. But you can do that...

   SOFTWARE,STARTUP, ENTREPRENEUR     2016-06-21 09:33:05

  Facebook appoints former Google engineer to improve its search function

Facebook has set up a new team to improve its search products, the team leader is Lars Rasmussen who was a former Google engineer..The team consists of more than 20 engineers which is led by Rasmussen. The main efforts are to achieve easier sorting for contents which are created by users on Facebook . This will help Facebook be a more powerful search engine, which not only allows the user to stay longer on Facebook, but also helps Facebook make more profits by selling keyword ads like ...

   Facebook,Search engine,Google,Like     2012-03-30 11:33:28

  Including Related Objects in Queries

Every time you hit a mobile network, it slows your users down and introduces another point of failure. So when you're designing your application, you need to take advantage of every opportunity to omit needless requests. Parse's philosophy is to help make this easier by providing standard ways to reduce network requests. One example is caching queries, which lets you avoid resending requests you've already sent. Another example, which we've launched in the most recent version of the...

   Software design,Request,Network load,Resource manage,Mobile     2011-12-07 08:51:56

  HTML5 Video and DRM

Many people call HTML5 an Adobe Flash replacement and I agree. Adobe already discontinued Flash on mobile devices. So HTML5 Video is a must for video on mobile phones and tablets. On the desktop Flash Video players are used more than HTML5 Video players but HTML5 video will work with a current web browser on a site that supports HTML5 video. Commercial video sites like YouTube will play partnered content in Flash even if you turned on HTML5 video at http://www.youtub...

   HTML5 Video,Flash,DRM,Comparison     2012-02-05 07:18:23