C++, Ruby and CoffeeScript complexity comparison

There are many programming languages around the world, they all designed to help programmer solve some problems, finish some tasks. These languages are often divided into different types, there are structural, object-oriented, functional, scripting languages etc. Some are easy to pick up such as Java, while some are thought to be difficult to learn such as C++. So how do we understand complexities of different programming languages?Many people agree that C++ is very complex languages, it has poi...

   Complexity, languages, C++,Ruby,CoffeeScript     2012-06-12 04:46:01

  The Best Entertainment Services A VPN Will Allow You To Access In Europe

It’s fair to say that entertainment is more global than ever before. We have a constant stream of new box sets to binge on, but if anything that just makes us demand more. We want the latest episode quicker and not have to wait for the next big thing, and when in Europe that usually means having to wait for a show to arrive from the USA. However, more and more people are using VPNs as a way around this. There are dozens on the market, helping people all across Europe access content they w...

   HULU,PROMOTION     2019-06-14 08:46:39

  Is Singapore a good place for startups?

Singapore is long time being considered as a perfect place for living and investing given its beautiful environment, warmly climate,  well-polished legal system and well-known richness. Its government is relatively young and open-minded. They like to take new challenges and embrace new technologies. It's the first country to open its government data to the world online. Many of you may consider that Singapore would be a perfect place for you to start your next startup. But the tr...

   SINGAPORE,STARTUP     2016-03-09 09:06:32

  10 principles to start your own business

Guy Kawasaki is a Silicon Valley venture capitalist, bestselling author, and Apple Fellow. He was one of the Apple employees originally responsible for marketing the Macintosh in 1984. He is currently a Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures, and has been involved in the rumor reporting site Truemors and the RSS aggregation Alltop. He is also a well-known blogger.We summarized 10 principles to start a new business from one of his presentations. 1. Make meaning in your companyThe most...

   Business,Guy Kawasaki,Tips     2012-05-18 12:11:20

  Want to Expand Your Customer Base Globally? A Global Phone Number Is Your First Step

If you want your establishment to connect to the world, you’re in luck. Thanks to technology development, it’s much easier to do this now more than ever. But with this global expansion, you should have a few assets to help you with your success. To maintain your business reachability no matter where your customer is, you can start with a global phone number provided by companies like Telnum. If you’re not sure if it’s the right move, we’ll help you decide whether i...

   VOIP,BUSINESS     2024-01-04 05:28:19

  Why doesn't Google copy successful startup ideas?

Google is definitely one of the largest players in Internet world. It owns the most popular search engine, mobile operating system and mapping service. It not only has huge user base but also is extremely rich. It can copy and create any product that is proven to be successful with its talent pool and money. But why doesn't Google copy those successful startup ideas? Based on the current status quo and culture gene of Google, there are several reasons Google doesn't copy startup ideas. First, Go...

   Google,Startup,Copy     2013-09-11 07:03:02

  8 Essential Mobile Game App Development Tools

Who doesn’t love playing a game on their mobile? Temple run had caught the whole world’s attention to such an extent that right from children to elder people in the household were glued to this game. It is indeed interesting that mobile games can keep your kids occupied. In fact, they are the best stress busters available in the present times. Remember how you used to steal some hours just to play candy crush while on the break? This way you used to relieve yourself of the stress bun...

       2014-10-09 05:00:05

  Breaking Barriers: How 3D Printing is Democratizing Product Development

Innovation has always been the cornerstone of progress, driving societies forward and shaping our future. However, for many years, the realm of product development and manufacturing was largely restricted to big corporations with hefty budgets and access to specialized resources. This created a barrier for individuals and small businesses aspiring to bring their ideas to life. Fortunately, the advent of 3D printing technology has shattered these barriers, democratizing product development and op...

   UV PRINTING,3D PRINTING     2024-03-05 08:15:32

  Should Small IT Companies Compete for Government Projects

No matter where in the world you look, you will find that various government agencies spend enormous amounts of money to procure products and services from outside companies. And while most of us immediately think about construction projects and perhaps defense contractors, a huge portion of government projects over the last decade or so were in the IT sector. In essence, governments on all levels often require services that their existing employees cannot handle and they invite outside IT comp...

   IT, BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS     2017-12-28 17:51:09

  Learn how to tell a story before building your own start-ups

Imagine one day you become a successful start-up founder like Mark Zuckerberg, then somebody will come and find you and want to shoot a movie for you with your start-up story. If you are not successful yet, then this story should be written by yourself. For start-up founders, learn how to tell a story will not only promote yourself among investors, users and medias but also can create a macro development plan for your start-ups by explaining various unexpected things will happen. Pixar storyboa...

   Start-up,rules,Pixar     2013-03-10 10:06:54