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  Learn these technical skills within one day

It takes days and days reading books, practicing and involving in real project if you want to learn a programming language well. It's just like a marathon, you will get more if you can insist longer. During this long and boring period, there are always something you can learn within a short period of time, like within one day. These skills can bring your big satisfaction. Below are a list of technical skills which you can pick up within one single day, they are advocated by Jacob Jensen, a Googl...

   Technical skill     2014-06-12 09:33:15

  Removing all child nodes from an element

When manipulating the DOM, it's often useful to remove all child nodes from a specific element. This typically comes in handy when you're looking to replace the content of an element with a separate form element, such as an <input>, so the user can edit the actual value.Here's an example of something I recently created that illustrates my point:Get the Flash Player to see this player.These "dynamic form elements" are written to the page only when the...

   Js,DOM,Remove all children,Clear,JavaScript,Code     2011-10-19 10:04:23

  Shell script common interview questions

Shell script is frequently used when monitoring system status on Linux. It's not an easy task to write shell script but it's a very important skill for developers and system administrators to ease work and automate common tasks. This post will share some common interview questions about shell script. 1. Get random characters(8 characters) Method 1 # echo $RANDOM |md5sum |cut -c 1-8 471b94f2 Method 2 # openssl rand -base64 4 vg3BEg== Method 3 # cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid |cut -c 1-8 ed...

   LINUX,INTERVIEW,SHELL SCRIPT     2018-09-28 10:46:00

  Chrome to block mixed content downloads in version 86

Google has announced its plan to block mixed content downloads in Chrome in February 2020 and now the day to block mixed content downloads is coming soon as we are nearing October when Chrome 86 is supposed to be released. What is mixed content downloads? According to Google, it is non-HTTPS downloads started on secure pages. For example, if you access a page called, and in this page, there is a download link to, ...

   CHROME,MIXED CONTENT DOWNLOADS     2020-09-18 21:10:53

  Four reasons we don’t apply the 80/20 rule

Why can’t we make more use of the 80/20 rule? I’ll review what the 80/20 rule is, explain how it can be powerful, then give four reasons why we don’t take advantage of it. What is the 80/20 rule? The 80/20 rule is amazing when you first learn about it. It says that efforts and results are often very unevenly distributed. You’ll get 80% of your results from the first 20% of your efforts. For example, maybe your top 20% of customers will provide 80% of your profit. O...

   80/20,Development,Profit,Revenue,Effort     2012-02-08 10:03:50

  What’s Your Start-up’s “Bus Count”? 7 Myths of Entrepreneurship and Programming

Software development is a rapidly evolving field that got off to a very rocky start. Conventional wisdom for many years was that software engineering should be like other types of engineering: design carefully, specify precisely, and then just build it – exactly to spec. Just like building a bridge, right? The problem with this approach is that software is just that. Soft. It’s endlessly malleable. You can change software pretty much any time you want, and people do. A...

   Start-up,technical,company,tips     2011-07-04 07:44:54

  Why learning Haskell/Python makes you a worse programmer

I've found, contrary to what you sometimes read, that learning Python and Haskell has not improved my programming using other languages. Haskell in particular, being so different from imperative languages, is supposed to give new insights into programming that will help you even when you are not using the language. My current experience doesn't exactly tally with this, and here is why:Demotivation.I find I think in Python, and even in Haskell to some extent, even though I have used Has...

   Python,Programmer,Bad,Bad programmer,Haskell     2011-10-29 07:13:44

  How ScrollerJS works

ScrollerJS is a light weight number scroller module to be embedded in web apps. It provides fancy number scrolling animations. ScrollerJS supports both CSS transition and DOM animation to handle the animation needed. If CSS transition is supported in a browser, CSS transition will be the preferred option for animation. If in old browsers where CSS transition is not supported. DOM animation will be chosen automatically. How does the number scrolling actually work? To transition a number from 0 to...

   ScrollerJS,JavaScript,CSS,GitHub     2015-06-11 06:54:44

  Advice From An Old Programmer

You've finished this book and have decided to continue with programming. Maybe it will be a career for you, or maybe it will be a hobby. You'll need some advice to make sure you continue on the right path, and get the most enjoyment out of your newly chosen activity. I've been programming for a very long time. So long that it's incredibly boring to me. At the time that I wrote this book, I knew about 20 programming languages and could learn new ones in about a day to a week depending on how w...

   Advice,Programming,Python,Old programmer     2012-03-08 13:51:11

  Making Computer Science a Requirement?

This US News article points out a growing interest among colleges and universities to make basic computer science a required course for all students. Georgia Tech already does this. The article points out that universities not normally considered to be science/technology-heavy are leaning this way too: Every student at Montclair State University in New Jersey must complete a computer science in order to graduate. For most students, that course is Introduction for Computer Appl...

   Computer science,Requirement,CS     2012-04-05 11:33:04