Shell script is frequently used when monitoring system status on Linux. It's not an easy task to write shell script but it's a very important skill for developers and system administrators to ease work and automate common tasks. This post will share some common interview questions about shell script.
1. Get random characters(8 characters)
Method 1 # echo $RANDOM |md5sum |cut -c 1-8 471b94f2 Method 2 # openssl rand -base64 4 vg3BEg== Method 3 # cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid |cut -c 1-8 ed9e032c
2. Get random numbers(8 digits)
Method 1 # echo $RANDOM |cksum |cut -c 1-8 23648321 Method 2 # openssl rand -base64 4 |cksum |cut -c 1-8 38571131 Method 3 # date +%N |cut -c 1-8 69024815
3. Define a colored output function
This is useful when need to print logs in different colors which indicate different level of messages(like INFO, WARN etc)
# Method 1 function echo_color() { if [ $1 == "green" ]; then echo -e "\033[32;40m$2\033[0m" elif [ $1 == "red" ]; then echo -e "\033[31;40m$2\033[0m" fi } #Method 2 function echo_color() { case $1 in green) echo -e "\033[32;40m$2\033[0m" ;; red) echo -e "\033[31;40m$2\033[0m" ;; *) echo "Example: echo_color red string" esac }
4. Create users in batch
Sometimes system administrators need to create users in batch for some new hires in the company at once. Below can help achieve this.
#!/bin/bash DATE=$(date +%F_%T) USER_FILE=user.txt echo_color(){ if [ $1 == "green" ]; then echo -e "\033[32;40m$2\033[0m" elif [ $1 == "red" ]; then echo -e "\033[31;40m$2\033[0m" fi } # Backup the file first if the userfile exists and its size is larger than 0 if [ -s $USER_FILE ]; then mv $USER_FILE ${USER_FILE}-${DATE}.bak echo_color green "$USER_FILE exist, rename ${USER_FILE}-${DATE}.bak" fi echo -e "User\tPassword" >> $USER_FILE echo "----------------" >> $USER_FILE for USER in user{1..10}; do if ! id $USER &>/dev/null; then PASS=$(echo $RANDOM |md5sum |cut -c 1-8) useradd $USER echo $PASS |passwd --stdin $USER &>/dev/null echo -e "$USER\t$PASS" >> $USER_FILE echo "$USER User create successful." else echo_color red "$USER User already exists!" fi done
5. Check whether a package is installed
#!/bin/bash if rpm -q sysstat &>/dev/null; then echo "sysstat is already installed." else echo "sysstat is not installed!" fi
6. Check service status
#!/bin/bash PORT_C=$(ss -anu |grep -c 123) PS_C=$(ps -ef |grep ntpd |grep -vc grep) if [ $PORT_C -eq 0 -o $PS_C -eq 0 ]; then echo "Body" | mail -s "Subject" fi
7. Monitor CPU, memory and hard drive utilization
a. CPU
Can use vmstat to analyze CPU statistics
#!/bin/bash DATE=$(date +%F" "%H:%M) IP=$(ifconfig eth0 |awk -F '[ :]+' '/inet addr/{print $4}') # Only CentOS6 supports this MAIL="" if ! which vmstat &>/dev/null; then echo "vmstat command no found, Please install procps package." exit 1 fi US=$(vmstat |awk 'NR==3{print $13}') SY=$(vmstat |awk 'NR==3{print $14}') IDLE=$(vmstat |awk 'NR==3{print $15}') WAIT=$(vmstat |awk 'NR==3{print $16}') USE=$(($US+$SY)) if [ $USE -ge 50 ]; then echo " Date: $DATE Host: $IP Problem: CPU utilization $USE " | mail -s "CPU Monitor" $MAIL fi
b. Memory
#!/bin/bash DATE=$(date +%F" "%H:%M) IP=$(ifconfig eth0 |awk -F '[ :]+' '/inet addr/{print $4}') MAIL="" TOTAL=$(free -m |awk '/Mem/{print $2}') USE=$(free -m |awk '/Mem/{print $3-$6-$7}') FREE=$(($TOTAL-$USE)) # 内å˜å°äºŽ1Gå‘é€æŠ¥è¦é‚®ä»¶ if [ $FREE -lt 1024 ]; then echo " Date: $DATE Host: $IP Problem: Total=$TOTAL,Use=$USE,Free=$FREE " | mail -s "Memory Monitor" $MAIL fi
c. Hard drive
#!/bin/bash DATE=$(date +%F" "%H:%M) IP=$(ifconfig eth0 |awk -F '[ :]+' '/inet addr/{print $4}') MAIL="" TOTAL=$(fdisk -l |awk -F'[: ]+' 'BEGIN{OFS="="}/^Disk \/dev/{printf "%s=%sG,",$2,$3}') PART_USE=$(df -h |awk 'BEGIN{OFS="="}/^\/dev/{print $1,int($5),$6}') for i in $PART_USE; do PART=$(echo $i |cut -d"=" -f1) USE=$(echo $i |cut -d"=" -f2) MOUNT=$(echo $i |cut -d"=" -f3) if [ $USE -gt 80 ]; then echo " Date: $DATE Host: $IP Total: $TOTAL Problem: $PART=$USE($MOUNT) " | mail -s "Disk Monitor" $MAIL fi done
8. Monitor hard drive utilization in batch
#!/bin/bash for IP in $(awk '/^[^#]/{print $1}' $HOST_INFO); do USER=$(awk -v ip=$IP 'ip==$1{print $2}' $HOST_INFO) PORT=$(awk -v ip=$IP 'ip==$1{print $3}' $HOST_INFO) TMP_FILE=/tmp/disk.tmp ssh -p $PORT $USER@$IP 'df -h' > $TMP_FILE USE_RATE_LIST=$(awk 'BEGIN{OFS="="}/^\/dev/{print $1,int($5)}' $TMP_FILE) for USE_RATE in $USE_RATE_LIST; do PART_NAME=${USE_RATE%=*} USE_RATE=${USE_RATE#*=} if [ $USE_RATE -ge 80 ]; then echo "Warning: $PART_NAME Partition usage $USE_RATE%!" fi done done
9. Check website availability
# Method 1 check_url() { HTTP_CODE=$(curl -o /dev/null --connect-timeout 3 -s -w "%{http_code}" $1) if [ $HTTP_CODE -ne 200 ]; then echo "Warning: $1 Access failure!" fi } # Method 2 check_url() { if ! wget -T 10 --tries=1 --spider $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Warning: $1 Access failure!" fi }
10. Check MySQL master/slave sync status
#!/bin/bash USER=bak PASSWD=123456 IO_SQL_STATUS=$(mysql -u$USER -p$PASSWD -e 'show slave status\G' |awk -F: '/Slave_.*_Running/{gsub(": ",":");print $0}') #gsub去除冒å·åŽé¢çš„ç©ºæ ¼ for i in $IO_SQL_STATUS; do THREAD_STATUS_NAME=${i%:*} THREAD_STATUS=${i#*:} if [ "$THREAD_STATUS" != "Yes" ]; then echo "Error: MySQL Master-Slave $THREAD_STATUS_NAME status is $THREAD_STATUS!" fi done
These scripts are useful in real work for system administrators. The questions behind these scripts are also frequently asked during interviews.